![]() Magic Mushroom v1
![]() |
ID: 377
Family ID:
Author: drol
Rarity: unique
Element: nature
Attack Type: Magic
Attack Range: 900
Attack CD: 0.9
Damage: 1513-1612
Mana: 60
Mana regen: 4
Status: Approved
![]() +0.16 mana regen/lvl
![]() Buffs a tower in 500 range, increasing its spell damage and trigger chances by 25%. Lasts 5 seconds. Level Bonus: +0.2 sec duration +1% spell damage +1% trigger chances AC_TYPE_OFFENSIVE_BUFF ![]() After casting Mystical Trance the Mushroom's next attack will deal 100% of its damage as spell damage with an additional 20% chance to crit. Additionally makes the target creep receive 10% more damage from spells. This effect is permanent and stacks. Level Bonus: +1% spell damage +0.8% spell crit chance ![]() Every 20 seconds the Mushroom has a 40% chance to grow, permanently gaining 3% bonus spell damage. Maximum of 40 succesful growths. Level Bonus: -0.4 seconds +0.12% bonus spell damage |
Toggle Triggers Autocast
caster_art: Abilities\Spells\Items\AIre\AIreTarget.mdl
AUTOCAST_cooldown: 2
AUTOCAST_numBuffsBeforeIdle: 1
AUTOCAST_isExtended: false
AUTOCAST_manacost: 50
AUTOCAST_range: 500
AUTOCAST_buffType: drol_mushroomBuff
AUTOCAST_targetSelf: true
AUTOCAST_autoRange: 500
private function onAutocast takes Tower tower returns nothing
set tower.userInt2 = 1
call drol_mushroomBuff.applyCustomTimed(tower,Event.getTarget(),tower.getLevel(),5. + tower.getLevel()*0.2)
Header globals
BuffType drol_mushroomGrowth
BuffType drol_mushroomBuff
BuffType drol_mushroomDebuff
MultiboardValues drol_mushroomMultiboardValue
//Do not remove or rename this function!
//Put your initialization tasks here, this function will be called on map init
private function init takes nothing returns nothing
local Modifier m = Modifier.create()
local Modifier mm = Modifier.create()
set drol_mushroomGrowth = BuffType.createAuraEffectType( true )
set drol_mushroomBuff = BuffType.create( 5, 0.2, true)
set drol_mushroomDebuff = BuffType.create( 3600, 0, false )
call mm.addModification(MOD_SPELL_DAMAGE_DEALT,0.25,0.01)
call mm.addModification(MOD_TRIGGER_CHANCES,0.25,0.01)
call drol_mushroomGrowth.setBuffIcon( '@@0@@' )
call drol_mushroomBuff.setBuffIcon( '@@1@@' )
call drol_mushroomDebuff.setBuffIcon( '@@2@@' )
call drol_mushroomGrowth.setBuffModifier(m)
call drol_mushroomBuff.setBuffModifier(mm)
call drol_mushroomBuff.setStackingGroup("drol_mushroomBuff")
set drol_mushroomMultiboardValue = MultiboardValues.create(2)
call drol_mushroomMultiboardValue.setKey(0,"Growths")
call drol_mushroomMultiboardValue.setKey(1,"Spell Damage")
On Damage
ONDAMAGE_chance: 1.0
ONDAMAGE_chanceLevelAdd: 0.0
function onDamage takes Tower tower returns nothing
if tower.userInt2 != 0 and Event.isMainTarget() then
set tower.userInt2 = 0
call drol_mushroomDebuff.apply(tower, Event.getTarget(), tower.getLevel())
call Event.getTarget().modifyProperty(MOD_SPELL_DAMAGE_RECEIVED, 0.1)
call tower.doSpellDamage(Event.getTarget(),Event.damage*(1.+tower.getLevel()*0.01),tower.calcSpellCrit(0.2+tower.getLevel()*0.008,0))
set Event.damage = 0
On Tower Creation function onCreate takes Tower tower returns nothing
set tower.userInt = 0 // number of succesful growths
set tower.userInt2 = 0 // used for spelldamage attack on autocast
set tower.userReal = 0.
On Tower Details function onTowerDetails takes Tower tower returns MultiboardValues
call drol_mushroomMultiboardValue.setValue(0,I2S(tower.userInt))
call drol_mushroomMultiboardValue.setValue(1,I2S(R2I(tower.userReal * 100.)) + "%")
return drol_mushroomMultiboardValue
PERIODIC_period: 20
function periodic takes Tower tower returns nothing
local integer lvl = tower.getLevel()
local real growth
local Effect targetEffect
if (tower.calcChance(0.4) and tower.userInt < 40) then
call tower.modifyProperty(MOD_SPELL_DAMAGE_DEALT, 0.03+(lvl*0.0012))
set tower.userReal = tower.userReal + 0.03 + lvl * 0.0012
set targetEffect = Effect.createScaled("Abilities\\Spells\\NightElf\\TargetArtLumber\\TargetArtLumber.mdl", GetUnitX(tower.getUnit()), GetUnitY(tower.getUnit()), 30, 0, 1.4)
call targetEffect.setLifetime(1.0)
set tower.userInt = tower.userInt + 1
set growth = 1.25 + tower.userInt * 0.015
call SetUnitScale(tower.getUnit(), growth, growth, growth)
call Event.getCurrentPeriodicEvent().enableAdvanced(20 - lvl*0.4, false)
![]() Planar Gate v1
![]() |
ID: 651
Family ID:
Author: Majildian
Rarity: unique
Element: astral
Attack Type: Energy
Attack Range: 700
Attack CD: 2.5
Damage: 3573-3573
Mana: 1200
Mana regen: 12
Status: Approved
Description: A gate to the astral plane, glowing figures can be seen flying around on the other side. ![]() Releases a huge wave of astral power through the gate, weakening the boundary between the planes. This empowers all currently alive falcons and any that are created during the next 6 seconds, allowing them to deal double damage and partially shift their targets into the astral plane, increasing the damage they take from astral towers by 1% of the falcon's current damage ratio. Level Bonus: +0.18 seconds AC_TYPE_OFFENSIVE_IMMEDIATE ![]() On attack the Gate releases a magical falcon to hunt down its enemies. The falcon deals energy damage equal to the Gate's current attack damage and bounces until it runs out of damage. Each bounce deals 5% less damage. There is a maximum of 1 falcon summoned at a time and a 20% chance to ignore the maximum. Level Bonus: -0.1% damage loss per bounce +1 falcon every 8 levels |
Toggle Triggers Autocast
AUTOCAST_cooldown: 35
AUTOCAST_numBuffsBeforeIdle: 0
AUTOCAST_isExtended: false
AUTOCAST_manacost: 1000
AUTOCAST_range: 0
AUTOCAST_buffType: Maj_astralEruption
AUTOCAST_targetSelf: true
AUTOCAST_targetType: 0
AUTOCAST_autoRange: 700
private function onAutocast takes Tower tower returns nothing
local real x = tower.getX()
local real y = tower.getY()
call Maj_astralEruption.apply(tower, tower, tower.getLevel())
call Effect.createColored("Abilities\\Spells\\Orc\\Voodoo\\VoodooAura.mdl", x, y, 0, 0, 1, 1, 255, 255, 255).setLifetime(0.5)
call TriggerSleepAction(0.3)
call Effect.createColored("Abilities\\Spells\\Orc\\Voodoo\\VoodooAura.mdl", x, y, 0, 0, 2, 1, 255, 255, 255).setLifetime(0.5)
call TriggerSleepAction(0.3)
call Effect.createColored("Abilities\\Spells\\Orc\\Voodoo\\VoodooAura.mdl", x, y, 0, 0, 3, 1, 255, 255, 255).setLifetime(0.5)
Header globals
ProjectileType Maj_bouncingProj
BuffType Maj_astralEruption
BuffType Maj_astralDmgModBuff
// p.userInt = number of crits
// p.userInt2 = UID
// p.userInt3 = check for buff
// p.userReal = damage loss per bounce
// p.userReal2 = damage ratio of this projectile
// p.userReal3 = damage to deal
function bounce takes Projectile p, Unit target returns nothing
local Tower tower = p.getCaster()
local Iterate it
local Unit next
local Projectile P
local Playor pl
local integer intVar
local string critStr
local real dmgMod
local Buff b
//Check if this projectile has damage ratio left and if the target is still alive.
if p.userReal2 > 0 and target.getUID() == p.userInt2 then
//Set the locals.
set it = Iterate.overUnitsInRangeOfUnit(tower, TARGET_CREEPS, target, 500)
set intVar = 0
set critStr = ""
set b = target.getBuffOfType(Maj_astralDmgModBuff)
//Check if the tower cast the buff since the last time this projectile hit.
if tower.getBuffOfType(Maj_astralEruption) > 0 and p.userInt3 == 0 then
set p.userInt3 = 1
//Check if the tower crit this attack, and if so, display the damage colored red above the tower
//with exclamation marks after it equal to the number of crits. This only runs the first time the
//projectile hits because p.userInt is set to 0 at the end.
if p.userInt > 0 then
set pl = tower.getOwner()
set intVar = 0
set critStr = critStr + "!"
set intVar = intVar + 1
exitwhen intVar == p.userInt
call pl.displayFloatingText(I2S(R2I(p.userReal3)) + critStr, tower, 255, 0, 0)
//Check if the buff was applied on the tower when it launched this projectile, and if
//the target isn't immune then increase the damage it takes from astral, and apply the
//buff or if the buff was already applied, increase the amount of damage taken to remove
//when the buff gets purged or similar.
if p.userInt3 == 1 then
if target.isImmune() == false then
set dmgMod = p.userReal2*0.01
call target.modifyProperty(MOD_DMG_FROM_ASTRAL, dmgMod)
if b > 0 then
set b.userReal = b.userReal+dmgMod
set b = Maj_astralDmgModBuff.apply(tower,target,0)
set b.userReal = dmgMod
// Deal the damage (double if the projectile got buffed).
call tower.doAttackDamage(target,p.userReal3 * p.userReal2 * (1+p.userInt3),1)
//Choose a target from all creeps in 500 range that isn't this projectile's target.
set next = it.nextRandom()
if next == target and next != 0 then
set next = it.nextRandom()
//If no valid targets in range, end here and decrease tower's userInt so portal can fire again.
if next == 0 then
set tower.userInt = tower.userInt - 1
call it.destroy()
//Fire the projectile to the next unit and set all the necessary values.
set P = Projectile.createLinearInterpolationFromUnitToUnit(Maj_bouncingProj, tower, 1, 1, target, next, .35, true)
set P.userInt = 0
set P.userInt2 = next.getUID()
set P.userInt3 = p.userInt3
set P.userReal = p.userReal
set P.userReal2 = p.userReal2-p.userReal //decrease new projectile's damage multiplier
set P.userReal3 = p.userReal3
//Or if the projectile had no damage ratio, end here and decrease the tower userInt.
set tower.userInt = tower.userInt - 1
//In case the buff gets purged.
function removeMod takes Buff b returns nothing
call b.getBuffedUnit().modifyProperty(MOD_DMG_FROM_ASTRAL, -b.userReal)
//Do not remove or rename this function!
//Put your initialization tasks here, this function will be called on map init
private function init takes nothing returns nothing
set Maj_astralEruption = BuffType.create(6, 0.18, true)
set Maj_astralDmgModBuff = BuffType.create(-1, 0, false)
set Maj_bouncingProj = ProjectileType.createInterpolate("Abilities\\Weapons\\MurgulMagicMissile\\MurgulMagicMissile.mdl", 1250)
call Maj_bouncingProj.setEventOnInterpolationFinished(ProjectileTargetEvent.bounce)
call Maj_astralEruption.setBuffIcon('@@0@@')
call Maj_astralDmgModBuff.setBuffIcon('@@1@@')
call Maj_astralDmgModBuff.addEventOnCleanup(removeMod)
On Attack
ONATTACK_chance: 1.0
ONATTACK_chanceLevelAdd: 0.0
function onAttack takes Tower tower returns nothing
local Unit target
local integer crits
local real curDmg
local Projectile p
local Buff b
//Check if the amount of birds summoned is low enough to create another one.
if tower.userInt < R2I(1+(tower.getLevel()/8)) or tower.calcChance(0.20) then
//Set the locals.
set target = Event.getTarget()
set crits = tower.getNumberOfCrits()
set curDmg = tower.getCurrentAttackDamageWithBonus()
set b = tower.getBuffOfType(Maj_astralEruption)
//Set the projectile values.
set p = Projectile.createLinearInterpolationFromUnitToUnit(Maj_bouncingProj, tower, 1, 1, tower, target, .5, true)
set p.userInt2 = target.getUID()
set p.userReal = 0.05-(tower.getLevel()*0.001) //damage multiplier loss per bounce
set p.userReal2 = 1 //Projectile's current damage multiplier
if b > 0 then
set p.userInt3 = 1
set p.userInt3 = 0
//Check for crits.
if (crits > 0) then
set p.userReal3 = curDmg * (crits * (tower.getProp_AtkCritDamage() - 1) + 1)
set p.userInt = crits
set p.userReal3 = curDmg
set p.userInt = 0
//Increase counter for birds summoned.
set tower.userInt = tower.userInt+1
//Remove crits so a 0! doesn't pop up over the tower.
call tower.resetAttackCrits()
On Damage
ONDAMAGE_chance: 1.0
ONDAMAGE_chanceLevelAdd: 0.0
function onDamage takes Tower tower returns nothing
//Set damage to 0 so the tower doesn't deal 2x damage on first hit.
set Event.damage = 0
On Tower Creation function onCreate takes Tower tower returns nothing
set tower.userInt = 0
![]() Quillboar Deathpig v1
![]() |
ID: 65
Family ID:
Author: SirCoqaLot.
Rarity: rare
Element: nature
Attack Type: Physical
Attack Range: 800
Attack CD: 0.9
Damage: 1590-1609
Mana: 100
Mana regen: 1
Status: Unapproved
Description: Advanced Nature tower that is able to release a spray of thorns from it's back. ![]() This tower deals 30% of its attack damage as physical damage to every unit in 800 range around it. A creep hit by a Quillspray receives 11% more damage than it did from the previous Quillspray, if hit again within 1.5 seconds. This effect stacks up to 40 times. Hint: Save mana to amplify the effect of this ability. Level Bonus: +0.2% base damage 9% chance to doublecast Quillsprays at level 15 7% chance to triplecast Quillsprays at level 25 AC_TYPE_OFFENSIVE_IMMEDIATE ![]() On attack this tower has a 18% chance to trigger a Quillspray. Hint: This Quillspray costs no mana. Level Bonus: +0.21% chance |
Toggle Triggers Autocast
AUTOCAST_cooldown: 0.2
AUTOCAST_autoRange: 700
AUTOCAST_manacost: 5
AUTOCAST_range: 800
AUTOCAST_targetType: 0
AUTOCAST_numBuffsBeforeIdle: 0
AUTOCAST_buffType: 0
AUTOCAST_isExtended: true
AUTOCAST_targetSelf: true
private function onAutocast takes Tower tower returns nothing
local integer level = tower.getLevel()
call quillspray(tower,1350)
if level == 25 then
if tower.calcChance(0.07) then
call quillspray(tower,1500)
call quillspray(tower,1700)
elseif tower.calcChance(0.09) then
call quillspray(tower,1500)
elseif level > 15 then
if tower.calcChance(0.09) then
call quillspray(tower,1500)
Header globals
ProjectileType sir_boar_proj
BuffType sir_boar_debuff
function quillspray takes Tower tower, real speed returns nothing
//Do not remove or rename this function!
//Put your initialization tasks here, this function will be called on map init
private function init takes nothing returns nothing
On Attack
ONATTACK_chance: 0.18
ONATTACK_chanceLevelAdd: 0.0021
function onAttack takes Tower tower returns nothing
local integer level = tower.getLevel()
call quillspray(tower,1350)
if level == 25 then
if tower.calcChance(0.07) then
call quillspray(tower,1500)
call quillspray(tower,1700)
elseif tower.calcChance(0.09) then
call quillspray(tower,1500)
elseif level > 15 then
if tower.calcChance(0.09) then
call quillspray(tower,1500)
![]() Shadow v1
![]() |
ID: 266
Family ID:
Author: i_mOck_death
Rarity: unique
Element: darkness
Attack Type: Decay
Attack Range: 830
Attack CD: 1.6
Damage: 1023-8022
Status: Approved
Description: The closer you are to the light, the bigger your shadow is. ![]() Each attack has a 20% chance to spawn 3 orbs that travel outwards in all directions from Shadow. Orbs travel for 8 seconds, firing off dark rays at enemies within 450 range, which deal 15% of this tower's attack damage as spell damage per second. Level Bonus: +1 orb every 5 levels +0.6% damage per second ![]() On kill a lesser orb is spawned where the creep died. Lesser orbs last for 3 seconds, firing off lesser dark rays at enemies within 450 range, which deal 9% of this tower's attack damage as spell damage per second. Level Bonus: +0.36% damage per second ![]() Towers within 300 range have 10% of their damage output stolen by Shadow. This tower then deals that damage back at its original targets in the form of Decay damage. This damage cannot crit. Level Bonus: +0.5% damage dealt |
Toggle Triggers Header globals
BuffType mOck_darkShroud
ProjectileType mOck_darkOrb
ProjectileType mOck_lesserDarkOrb
function darkS takes Buff b returns nothing
local Tower tower = b.getCaster()
local Unit target = Event.getTarget()
local real dmg = Event.damage*(.1+.005*tower.getLevel())
set Event.damage = Event.damage*.9
call tower.doCustomAttackDamage(target, dmg, 1, AttackType.DECAY)
//Do not remove or rename this function!
//Put your initialization tasks here, this function will be called on map init
private function init takes nothing returns nothing
set mOck_darkShroud = BuffType.createAuraEffectType(true)
call mOck_darkShroud.setBuffIcon('@@1@@')
call mOck_darkShroud.addEventOnDamage(darkS,1.0, 0.0)
set mOck_darkOrb = ProjectileType.create("Abilities\\Spells\\Items\\OrbDarkness\\OrbDarkness.mdl",8,200)
set mOck_lesserDarkOrb = ProjectileType.create("Abilities\\Spells\\Items\\OrbDarkness\\OrbDarkness.mdl",3,0)
On Attack
ONATTACK_chance: .2
ONATTACK_chanceLevelAdd: 0.0
function onAttack takes Tower tower returns nothing
local integer level = tower.getLevel()
local integer numProjectiles = 3 + level/5
local integer i = numProjectiles
local Projectile p
local real face = GetUnitFacing(tower.getUnit())
local real x = tower.getX()
local real y = tower.getY()
set i = i - 1
set p = Projectile.create(mOck_darkOrb,tower,tower.getCurrentAttackDamageWithBonus()*(.05+level*0.002),tower.calcSpellCritNoBonus(),x,y,80.0,face+i*360.0/numProjectiles)
call p.setScale(1.75)
call p.addAbility('@@0@@')
exitwhen i < 1
On Kill function onKill takes Tower tower returns nothing
local integer level = tower.getLevel()
local Projectile p
local Creep creep = Event.getTarget()
local real x = creep.getX()
local real y = creep.getY()
set p = Projectile.create(mOck_lesserDarkOrb,tower,tower.getCurrentAttackDamageWithBonus()*(.03+level*0.0012),tower.calcSpellCritNoBonus(),x,y,80.0,0)
call p.setScale(1.25)
call p.addAbility('@@0@@')
Tower Aura
AURA_auraEffect: mOck_darkShroud
AURA_power: 0
AURA_level: 0
AURA_auraRange: 300
AURA_levelAdd: 1
AURA_powerAdd: 1
AURA_targetSelf: true
![]() Hound of War v1
![]() |
ID: 76
Family ID:
Author: cedi
Rarity: uncommon
Element: fire
Attack Type: Decay
Attack Range: 800
Attack CD: 1.2
Damage: 3249-3249
Status: Approved
Description: The hounds of war are howling again. ![]() +8% damage/lvl
![]() Whenever this tower damages a unit it has 30% chance to release a battle cry. The cry increases the attack damage of all towers in 420 range by 5% for 5 seconds. If a tower has allready the roar buff the attack damage is increased by 0.9% and the duration is refreshed. Stacks up to 100 times. Level Bonus: +0.9% attack damage |
Toggle Triggers Header globals
BuffType cedi_helldog
//Do not remove or rename this function!
//Put your initialization tasks here, this function will be called on map init
private function init takes nothing returns nothing
On Damage
ONDAMAGE_chance: 0.3
ONDAMAGE_chanceLevelAdd: 0.0
function onDamage takes Tower tower returns nothing
local Iterate I = Iterate.overUnitsInRangeOfCaster( tower, TARGET_TYPE_TOWERS, 420.0 )
local Unit U
local Buff B
call DestroyEffect( AddSpecialEffectTarget( "Abilities\\Spells\\NightElf\\BattleRoar\\RoarCaster.mdl", tower.getUnit(), "origin" ) )
set U = I.next()
exitwhen U == 0
set B = U.getBuffOfType( cedi_helldog )
if B != 0 then
if B.userInt < 100 then
call cedi_helldog.apply( tower, U, B.getLevel() + 18 )
set B.userInt = B.userInt + 1
call B.refreshDuration()
call cedi_helldog.apply( tower, U, tower.getLevel() * 18 )
set B.userInt = 0
//0.0005 0.003, 0.0045, 0.006, 0.0075, 0.009
//0.05 0.05 , 0.05 , 0.05 , 0.05 , 0.05
// 70 , 210 , 840 , 1680 , 3360
![]() Hound of Storms v1
![]() |
ID: 247
Family ID:
Author: cedi
Rarity: uncommon
Element: storm
Attack Type: Energy
Attack Range: 900
Attack CD: 1.5
Damage: 3916-3924
Status: Approved
Description: Do you hear the howl of the storm? ![]() +2.4% attackspeed/lvl
![]() Whenever this tower damages a unit it has 30% chance to release a battle cry. The cry increases the attack speed of all towers in 420 range by 5% for 5 seconds. If a tower already has the thunderous roar buff the attack speed is increased by 0.9% and the duration is refreshed. Stacks up to 100 times. Level Bonus: +0.9% attack speed |
Toggle Triggers Header globals
BuffType cedi_stormdog
//Do not remove or rename this function!
//Put your initialization tasks here, this function will be called on map init
private function init takes nothing returns nothing
On Damage
ONDAMAGE_chance: 0.3
ONDAMAGE_chanceLevelAdd: 0.0
function onDamage takes Tower tower returns nothing
local Iterate I = Iterate.overUnitsInRangeOfCaster( tower, TARGET_TYPE_TOWERS, 420.0 )
local Unit U
local Buff B
call DestroyEffect( AddSpecialEffectTarget( "Abilities\\Spells\\NightElf\\Taunt\\TauntCaster.mdl", tower.getUnit(), "origin" ) )
set U = I.next()
exitwhen U == 0
set B = U.getBuffOfType( cedi_stormdog )
if B != 0 then
if B.userInt < 100 then
call cedi_stormdog.apply( tower, U, B.getLevel() + 18 )
set B.userInt = B.userInt + 1
call B.refreshDuration()
set B = cedi_stormdog.apply( tower, U, tower.getLevel() * 18 )
set B.userInt = 0
![]() The Omnislasher v3
![]() |
ID: 159
Family ID:
Author: KublaiKhan1
Rarity: unique
Element: fire
Attack Type: Physical
Attack Range: 1200
Attack CD: 5
Damage: 7109-7109
Status: Approved
Description: Faster than the wind, faster than Sonic, even faster than light! ![]() +8% damage/lvl
![]() On each attack the Omnislasher moves with insane speed towards the battlefield. There, he deals damage up to 10 times before returning to his triumphant pedestal. Each such damage instance deals 10% of this tower's normal attack damage and permanently increases the damage its target takes from Physical type attacks by 4%. Level Bonus: +2 slashes every 5 levels |
Toggle Triggers Header globals
BuffType DamageIncreaseBT
function onDamaged takes Buff b returns nothing
local Tower tower = Event.getTarget()
if tower.getAttackType() == AttackType.PHYSICAL then
if Event.isSpellDamage() == false then
set Event.damage = Event.damage * b.userReal
function damage takes Tower tower, Unit target returns nothing
local real range = 80.00
local real angle = GetRandomReal(0.00, 360.00)
local real x = target.getX() + Cos(angle) * range
local real y = target.getY() + Sin(angle) * range
local real z = target.getZ()
local Effect blademaster = Effect.createAnimated("units\\demon\\HeroChaosBladeMaster\\HeroChaosBladeMaster.mdl", x, y, z, angle + 180 * bj_DEGTORAD)
local Effect mirrorimage = Effect.create("Abilities\\Spells\\Orc\\MirrorImage\\MirrorImageCaster.mdl", x, y, z, angle + 180 * bj_DEGTORAD)
local Buff b = target.getBuffOfType(DamageIncreaseBT)
call blademaster.setLifetime(.4)
call blademaster.setAnimation("attack")
call blademaster.setScale(0.4)
call blademaster.noDeathAnimation()
call mirrorimage.setLifetime(.4)
call mirrorimage.setScale(0.4)
call tower.doAttackDamage(target, tower.getCurrentAttackDamageWithBonus()/10, tower.calcAttackMulticrit(0.0, 0.0, 0) )
if b == 0 then
set b = DamageIncreaseBT.apply(tower, target, tower.getLevel())
set b.userReal = 1.0
set b.userReal = b.userReal + 0.04
function onHit takes nothing returns nothing
local timer t = GetExpiredTimer()
local Tower tower = GetTimerData(t)
local unit u = tower.getUnit()
local Unit target = tower.userInt
local integer uid = R2I(tower.userReal)
local integer towerUID = R2I(tower.userReal2)
local Iterate iterate = tower.userInt3
local integer numAttacks = tower.userInt2
// The tower has changed (sold or replaced)
if (tower.getUID() != towerUID) then
call ReleaseTimer(t)
set t = null
set u = null
call iterate.destroy()
// The target died
if (target.getUID() != uid) then
set target = iterate.next()
set tower.userInt = target
set tower.userReal = target.getUID()
if (target != 0 and numAttacks > 0) then
call damage(tower, target)
set tower.userInt2 = numAttacks - 1
if (target != 0) then
call iterate.destroy()
call ReleaseTimer(t)
call SetUnitVertexColor(u, 255, 255, 255, 255)
call PauseUnit(u, false)
call SFXOnUnit("Abilities\\Spells\\Orc\\MirrorImage\\MirrorImageCaster.mdl", u, "origin")
set tower.userInt3 = -1
set t = null
set u = null
//Do not remove or rename this function!
//Put your initialization tasks here, this function will be called on map init
private function init takes nothing returns nothing
set DamageIncreaseBT = BuffType.create(-1, 0.0, false)
call DamageIncreaseBT.setBuffIcon('@@0@@')
call DamageIncreaseBT.addEventOnDamaged(onDamaged, 1.0, 0.0)
On Attack
ONATTACK_chance: 1.0
ONATTACK_chanceLevelAdd: 0.0
function onAttack takes Tower tower returns nothing
local unit u
local Iterate iterate = tower.userInt3
local timer t
local Unit target = Event.getTarget()
local integer numAttacks = 10 + tower.getLevel() * 2/5
local real fun
if iterate == -1 then
set u = tower.getUnit()
set iterate = Iterate.overUnitsInRangeOfUnit(tower, TARGET_CREEPS, Event.getTarget(), 1200.00)
set t = NewTimer()
call TimerStart(t, tower.getCurrentAttackspeed() / numAttacks, true, function onHit)
call SetTimerData(t,tower)
call SFXOnUnit("Abilities\\Spells\\Orc\\MirrorImage\\MirrorImageCaster.mdl", u, "origin")
call SetUnitVertexColor(u, 255, 255, 255, 0)
call PauseUnit(u, true)
set tower.userInt = target // Save current target
set tower.userInt2 = numAttacks
set tower.userInt3 = iterate
set tower.userReal = target.getUID()
call damage(tower, target)
set fun= GetRandomReal(0,1)
if fun< 0.03 then
call tower.getOwner().displayFloatingTextX("I'm faster than LIGHT!", tower, 50, 150, 255, 255, 0.05, 2, 3)
elseif fun< 0.02 then
call tower.getOwner().displayFloatingTextX("Don't listen to Einstein's lies!", tower, 50, 150, 255, 255, 0.05, 2, 3)
elseif fun< 0.01 then
call tower.getOwner().displayFloatingTextX("I'm debunking relativity. Just watch me!", tower, 50, 150, 255, 255, 0.05, 2, 3)
set u = null
set t = null
On Tower Creation function onCreate takes Tower tower returns nothing
set tower.userReal2 = tower.getUID()
set tower.userInt3 = -1