![]() Ancient Energy Converter v1
![]() |
ID: 202
Family ID:
Author: geX
Rarity: unique
Element: storm
Attack Type: Energy
Attack Range: 1600
Attack CD: 1.1
Damage: 72-2472
Mana: 1200
Mana regen: 20
Status: Approved
![]() Bounce attack:
3 targets
-70% damage per bounce
+25 mana/lvl
![]() Spawns 3 orbs that last 12 seconds flying around the Converter. Each orb deals 1500 damage per second to random units in 650 range. Additionally, the orbs have a 25% chance every second to cast a chainlightining that deals 1500 initial damage and hits up to 4 targets dealing 25% less damage with each bounce. Units hit by the chainlightning are stunned for 0.8 seconds. Level Bonus: +75 orb damage +1 orb spawned per 5 levels AC_TYPE_OFFENSIVE_IMMEDIATE |
Toggle Triggers Autocast
caster_art: Abilities\Spells\Human\MassTeleport\MassTeleportCaster.mdl
AUTOCAST_cooldown: 12.0
AUTOCAST_numBuffsBeforeIdle: 0
AUTOCAST_isExtended: true
AUTOCAST_manacost: 1200
AUTOCAST_range: 0.0
AUTOCAST_buffType: 0
AUTOCAST_targetSelf: false
AUTOCAST_targetType: 0
AUTOCAST_autoRange: 650.0
private function onAutocast takes Tower tower returns nothing
local integer level = tower.getLevel()
local integer numProjectiles = 3 + level/5
local integer i = numProjectiles
local Projectile p
local real x = tower.getX()
local real y = tower.getY()
//Rotate either left or right
call myProj.setStartRotation(1.2 * (GetRandomInt(0,1)*2-1.0))
//Spawn projectiles
set i = i - 1
set p = Projectile.create(myProj,tower,1.0+level*0.05,tower.calcSpellCritNoBonus(),x,y,80.0,i*360.0/numProjectiles)
call p.setScale(2.0)
call p.addAbility('@@0@@')
exitwhen i < 1
Header globals
Cast lightCast
ProjectileType myProj
TargetType myTargType
function damageStun takes DummyUnit d returns nothing
call cb_stun.applyOnlyTimed(d.getCaster(),Event.getTarget(),0.8)
function periodicLightning takes Projectile p returns nothing
local Iterate it
local Unit u
local Unit caster = p.getCaster()
if caster.calcChance(0.25) then
set it = it.overUnitsInRange(caster,myTargType,p.x,p.y,650.0)
set u = it.next()
if u != 0 then
call lightCast.targetCastFromPoint(caster, u,p.x,p.y,p.getDmgRatio(),p.getCritRatio())
call it.destroy()
//Do not remove or rename this function!
//Put your initialization tasks here, this function will be called on map init
private function init takes nothing returns nothing
set lightCast = Cast.create('@@1@@',"chainlightning",5.0)
call lightCast.setDamageEvent(damageStun)
call lightCast.setSourceHeight(80.0)
set myProj = ProjectileType.create("Abilities\\Spells\\Human\\ManaFlare\\ManaFlareTarget.mdl",12.0,250.0)
call myProj.enablePeriodic(periodicLightning,1.0)
set myTargType = TargetType.create(TARGET_TYPE_CREEPS)
![]() Caged Inferno v1
![]() |
ID: 204
Family ID:
Author: cedi
Rarity: rare
Element: fire
Attack Type: Elemental
Attack Range: 900
Attack CD: 0.4
Damage: 533-533
Status: Approved
Description: The fire of the demon Nerz'ragul destroyed half of the world. After years the mighty spellcaster Theradom caged it in a magical circle. ![]() -50% dmg to magical +50% dmg to nature (+1%/lvl) ![]() The enormous heat of the caged inferno decreases the armor of all creeps in 900 range by 2 and damages them by 40. Each second creeps in 900 range around the caged inferno lose 1 extra armor and the fire damage will increase by 40. Level Bonus: +0.08 start armor reduction +0.04 armor reduction +1.6 damage |
Toggle Triggers Header globals
BuffType myBuff
function Create takes Buff b returns nothing
local integer lvl = b.getCaster().getLevel()
set b.userReal = 2.0 + 0.08 * lvl
set b.userReal2 = 40.0 + 1.6 * lvl
call b.getBuffedUnit().modifyProperty( MOD_ARMOR, -b.userReal )
function Destroy takes Buff b returns nothing
call b.getBuffedUnit().modifyProperty( MOD_ARMOR, b.userReal )
function Reaction takes Buff b returns nothing
local integer lvl = b.getCaster().getLevel()
set b.userReal = b.userReal + 1.0 + 0.04 * lvl
set b.userReal2 = b.userReal2 + 40.0 + 1.6 * lvl
call b.getCaster().doSpellDamage(b.getBuffedUnit(), b.userReal2, b.getCaster().calcSpellCritNoBonus())
call b.getBuffedUnit().modifyProperty( MOD_ARMOR, -1.0 - 0.04 * lvl )
//Do not remove or rename this function!
//Put your initialization tasks here, this function will be called on map init
private function init takes nothing returns nothing
//local Modifier m = Modifier.create()
set myBuff = BuffType.createAuraEffectType(false)
call myBuff.addPeriodicEvent( EventHandler.Reaction, 1.00 )
call myBuff.addEventOnCleanup( EventHandler.Destroy )
call myBuff.addEventOnCreate( EventHandler.Create )
//call m.addModification(MOD_ARMOR,-1.0,-0.5)
//call myBuff.setBuffModifier(m)
call myBuff.setBuffIcon('@@0@@')
Tower Aura
AURA_auraEffect: myBuff
AURA_power: 1
AURA_level: 1
AURA_auraRange: 900
AURA_levelAdd: 0
AURA_powerAdd: 0
AURA_targetSelf: false
![]() Scales v1
![]() |
ID: 210
Family ID:
Author: cedi
Rarity: unique
Element: storm
Attack Type: Energy
Attack Range: 1500
Attack CD: 1.5
Damage: 843-851
Mana: 1100
Mana regen: 10
Status: Approved
Description: Brrizzl fizzl. ![]() +20% dmg to air (+0.8%/lvl) ![]() Summons a storm cloud which attacks units in 1500 range. Every 0.33 seconds the cloud attacks up to 3 targets with forked lightning. Each lightning deals 1300 spell damage. Lightmare lasts 10 seconds and does not benefit from buff duration. Level Bonus: +52 spell damage AC_TYPE_OFFENSIVE_IMMEDIATE ![]() This tower gains 1.66% spell damage, spell crit damage and 0.125% spell crit chance for each level the player survives. ![]() Whenever this tower damages a creep, it has a 20% chance to electrify it for 5 seconds. Each second, all creeps in 225 range of the electrified unit take 900 spell damage. Level Bonus: +0.8% chance +36 spell damage per second ![]() Whenever this tower deals damage with its attacks or its other innate abilities it has a 25% chance to deal 900 spell damage to the damaged unit. Overcharge can trigger itself, but the chance to do so is decreased by 5% for each time it retriggers. Level Bonus: +36 spell damage +1% chance |
Toggle Triggers Autocast
AUTOCAST_cooldown: 10.5
AUTOCAST_numBuffsBeforeIdle: 0
AUTOCAST_isExtended: false
AUTOCAST_manacost: 1000
AUTOCAST_range: 1500.0
AUTOCAST_buffType: 0
AUTOCAST_targetSelf: true
AUTOCAST_targetType: 0
AUTOCAST_autoRange: 1500.00
private function onAutocast takes Tower tower returns nothing
local Effect E = Effect.createScaled( "Abilities\\Spells\\Human\\CloudOfFog\\CloudOfFog.mdl", tower.getX(), tower.getY(), 300.00, 0.00, 0.60 )
local integer UID = tower.getUID()
call E.setLifetime( 10.0 )
set tower.userInt2 = 1
call TriggerSleepAction( 10.0 )
if UID == tower.getUID() then
set tower.userInt2 = 0
Header globals
BuffType ELEC
MultiboardValues MB
function overchargeDamage takes Tower tower, Creep targ, integer level returns nothing
local unit u = targ.getUnit()
local integer i = 0
exitwhen GetWidgetLife( u ) <= 0.405
if tower.calcChance( ( 0.25 + level / 100.00 ) - i * 0.05 ) then
call DestroyEffect( AddSpecialEffectTarget( "Abilities\\Spells\\Other\\Monsoon\\MonsoonBoltTarget.mdl", u, "origin" ) )
call tower.doSpellDamage( targ, 900.0 + level * 36.0, tower.calcSpellCritNoBonus() )
exitwhen true
set i = i + 1
set u = null
function overchargeA takes SpellDummy D returns nothing
local Tower tower = D.getCaster()
call overchargeDamage(tower,Event.getTarget(),tower.getLevel())
function elec takes Buff B returns nothing
local Tower tower = B.getCaster()
local Unit targ = B.getBuffedUnit()
local Iterate I = Iterate.overUnitsInRangeOfUnit( tower, TARGET_TYPE_CREEPS, targ, 225.0 )
local real dmg = 900.0 + 36.0 * tower.getLevel()
local Unit U
set U = I.next()
exitwhen U == 0
if U != targ then
call tower.doSpellDamage( U, dmg, tower.calcSpellCritNoBonus() )
call overchargeDamage(tower,U,tower.getLevel())
//Do not remove or rename this function!
//Put your initialization tasks here, this function will be called on map init
private function init takes nothing returns nothing
set TUNDER = Cast.create( '@@0@@', "forkedlightning", 2.0 )
call TUNDER.setSourceHeight( 300.00 )
call TUNDER.setDamageEvent( overchargeA )
set ELEC = BuffType.create( 5.0, 0.00, false )
call ELEC.setBuffIcon( '@@2@@' )
call ELEC.addPeriodicEvent( elec, 1.0 )
set MB = MultiboardValues.create( 3 )
call MB.setKey( 0, "Spell Damage Bonus" )
call MB.setKey( 1, "Spell Crit Damage Bonus" )
call MB.setKey( 2, "Spell Crit Chance Bonus" )
On Attack
ONATTACK_chance: 1.0
ONATTACK_chanceLevelAdd: 0.0
function onAttack takes Tower tower returns nothing
local integer i = tower.getOwner().getTeam().getLevel()
local integer i2 = i
if i > tower.userInt then
set i = i - tower.userInt
set tower.userInt3 = tower.userInt3 + i
call tower.modifyProperty( MOD_SPELL_DAMAGE_DEALT, i / 60.00 )
call tower.modifyProperty( MOD_SPELL_CRIT_DAMAGE, i / 60.00 )
call tower.modifyProperty( MOD_SPELL_CRIT_CHANCE, i / 800.00 )
set tower.userInt = i2
On Damage
ONDAMAGE_chance: 0.2
ONDAMAGE_chanceLevelAdd: 0.008
function onDamage takes Tower tower returns nothing
call ELEC.apply( tower, Event.getTarget(), tower.getLevel() )
On Damage
ONDAMAGE_chance: 1.00
ONDAMAGE_chanceLevelAdd: 0.00
function onDamage takes Tower tower returns nothing
call overchargeDamage(tower,Event.getTarget(),tower.getLevel())
On Tower Creation function onCreate takes Tower tower returns nothing
set tower.userInt = tower.getOwner().getTeam().getLevel()
set tower.userInt2 = 0
set tower.userInt3 = 0
On Tower Details
goldcost: 0
function onTowerDetails takes Tower tower returns MultiboardValues
call MB.setValue( 0, formatPercent( tower.userInt3 * 1.66/100,2 ) )
call MB.setValue( 1, formatPercent( tower.userInt3 * 1.66/100,2 ) )
call MB.setValue( 2, formatPercent( tower.userInt3 * 0.125/100,2 ) )
return MB
PERIODIC_period: 0.33
function periodic takes Tower tower returns nothing
local Iterate I
local Unit U
if tower.userInt2 == 1 then
set I = Iterate.overUnitsInRangeOfCaster( tower, TARGET_TYPE_CREEPS, 1500.00 )
set U = I.next()
if U != 0 then
call TUNDER.targetCastFromCaster( tower, U, 1300.00 + tower.getLevel() * 52.0, tower.calcSpellCritNoBonus() )
call I.destroy()
![]() Keeper of the Twin Flames v1
![]() |
ID: 213
Family ID:
Author: DaveMatthews
Rarity: unique
Element: fire
Attack Type: Physical
Attack Range: 900
Attack CD: 1.1
Damage: 2825-2825
Status: Approved
Description: A fighter skilled in both physical and magical attacks. ![]() Every time this tower has launched 8 red flames, it releases a green pulse, dealing 75% of its attack damage as spell damage in 900 AoE and every time it has launched 8 green flames, it releases a red pulse, dealing 75% of its attack damage as physical damage in 900 AoE. Level Bonus: +1% damage -1 flame needed at level 15 and 25 ![]() On each attack, this tower has a chance equal to its crit chance to launch a green flame, dealing 75% of tower's attack damage as spell damage, and a chance equal to its spell crit chance to launch a red flame, dealing 75% of tower's attack damage as physical damage. Level Bonus: +1% damage ![]() Each time it scores a critical hit with an attack, this tower gains 2% bonus critical chance or spell critical chance, both stacking up to 10 times, for 7 seconds. The lower chance will always be prioritized. |
Toggle Triggers Header globals
BuffType dave_physical_buff
BuffType dave_spell_buff
ProjectileType dave_red
ProjectileType dave_green
private function init takes nothing returns nothing
On Attack
ONATTACK_chance: 1
ONATTACK_chanceLevelAdd: 0
function onAttack takes Tower tower returns nothing
local Projectile p
local Iterate it
local Effect e
local Unit u
local integer level = tower.getLevel()
if tower.calcChance( tower.getProp_SpellCritChance() ) then
set Projectile.createBezierInterpolationFromUnitToUnit(dave_red,tower,1,1,tower,Event.getTarget(),0,0.3,0,true).userReal = 0.75+0.01*level
if tower.userInt >= tower.userInt3 then
set tower.userInt = 0
set it = Iterate.overUnitsInRangeOfCaster(tower,TARGET_CREEPS,900)
set u = it.next()
exitwhen u == 0
call tower.doSpellDamage(u,tower.getCurrentAttackDamageWithBonus()*(0.75+0.01*level),tower.calcSpellCritNoBonus())
call SFXOnUnit("Abilities\\Spells\\NightElf\\Immolation\\ImmolationDamage.mdl",u.getUnit(), "chest")
set e = Effect.createColored("Abilities\\Spells\\Demon\\DarkConversion\\ZombifyTarget.mdl",tower.getX()-48,tower.getY()+48, 40, 0.0, 0.42, 0, 255, 0, 255)
call e.setLifetime(0.5)
set tower.userInt = tower.userInt + 1
if tower.calcChance( tower.getProp_AtkCritChance() ) then
set Projectile.createBezierInterpolationFromUnitToUnit(dave_green,tower,1,1,tower,Event.getTarget(),0,-0.3,0,true).userReal = 0.75+0.01*level
if tower.userInt2 >= tower.userInt3 then
set tower.userInt2 = 0
set it = Iterate.overUnitsInRangeOfCaster(tower,TARGET_CREEPS,900)
set u = it.next()
exitwhen u == 0
call tower.doAttackDamage(u,tower.getCurrentAttackDamageWithBonus()*(0.75+0.01*level),tower.calcAttackMulticrit(0,0,0))
call SFXOnUnit("Abilities\\Spells\\Human\\FlameStrike\\FlameStrikeEmbers.mdl",u.getUnit(), "chest")
set e = Effect.createColored("Abilities\\Spells\\Demon\\DarkConversion\\ZombifyTarget.mdl",tower.getX()+48,tower.getY()+48, 40, 0.0, 0.42, 255, 0, 0, 255)
call e.setLifetime(0.5)
set tower.userInt2 = tower.userInt2 + 1
On Damage
ONDAMAGE_chance: 1
ONDAMAGE_chanceLevelAdd: 0
function onDamage takes Tower tower returns nothing
local Buff b = tower.getBuffOfType(dave_physical_buff)
local Buff s = tower.getBuffOfType(dave_spell_buff)
local integer levelP
local integer levelS
if b != 0 then
set levelP = b.getLevel()
if s !=0 then
set levelS = s.getLevel()
if Event.isAttackDamageCritical() then
if tower.getProp_AtkCritChance() < tower.getProp_SpellCritChance() or levelS == 10 then
if b==0 then
call dave_physical_buff.apply(tower,tower,1)
call dave_physical_buff.apply(tower,tower,IMinBJ(levelP + 1, 10))
elseif tower.getProp_AtkCritChance() > tower.getProp_SpellCritChance() or levelP == 10 then
if s==0 then
call dave_spell_buff.apply(tower,tower, 1)
call dave_spell_buff.apply(tower,tower,IMinBJ(levelS + 1, 10))
On Level Up function onLevelUp takes Tower tower returns nothing
if tower.getLevel() < 15 then
set tower.userInt3 = 8
elseif tower.getLevel() < 25 then
set tower.userInt3 = 7
elseif tower.getLevel() == 25 then
set tower.userInt3 = 6
On Tower Creation function onCreate takes Tower tower returns nothing
set tower.userInt = 0
set tower.userInt2 = 0
if tower.getLevel() < 15 then
set tower.userInt3 = 8
elseif tower.getLevel() < 25 then
set tower.userInt3 = 7
elseif tower.getLevel() == 25 then
set tower.userInt3 = 6
![]() Void Dragon v1
![]() |
ID: 248
Family ID:
Author: Chronos
Rarity: rare
Element: darkness
Attack Type: Essence
Attack Range: 1000
Attack CD: 1.35
Damage: 7669-8001
Status: Approved
Description: Selfish creature, harbringer of the void. ![]() -80% exp gain (-10%/lvl) +4% attackspeed/lvl +20% damage/lvl ![]() Units damaged by this tower are silenced for 1.75 seconds. Bosses are silenced only for 1/4 of the normal duration. Level Bonus: +0.13 seconds duration ![]() Every second, this unit loses 1.5% of its experience. This tower will not lose levels in this way. Replacing a tower with this tower will reset the experience to 0 unless the replaced tower is of this tower ' s family. Level Bonus: +0.03% periodical experience lost |
Toggle Triggers Header globals
real array Chronos_voidLevelExp
//Do not remove or rename this function!
//Put your initialization tasks here, this function will be called on map init
private function init takes nothing returns nothing
On Damage
ONDAMAGE_chance: 1
ONDAMAGE_chanceLevelAdd: 0
function onDamage takes Tower tower returns nothing
local real silenceDuration = 1.75 + 0.13 * tower.getLevel()
local Unit creep = Event.getTarget()
if creep.getSize() == SIZE_BOSS then
set silenceDuration = silenceDuration / 4
call cb_silence.applyOnlyTimed(tower, Event.getTarget(), silenceDuration)
On Tower Creation function onCreate takes Tower tower returns nothing
if Event.getPrecedingTower().getFamily() == tower.getFamily() then
call tower.removeExpFlat(tower.getExp() * (0.5 + 0.01 * tower.getLevel())) //This is actually part of the Void ability from the Void Drake.
elseif Event.getPrecedingTower().getFamily() != tower.getFamily() and tower.getExp() > 0 then
call tower.removeExpFlat(tower.getExp())
PERIODIC_period: 1
function periodic takes Tower tower returns nothing
local integer level = tower.getLevel()
local real exp = tower.getExp()
local real expRemoved = exp * (0.015+0.0003*level)
if expRemoved >= (exp - Chronos_voidLevelExp[level]) then
set expRemoved = (exp - Chronos_voidLevelExp[level]) - 0.01
if expRemoved >= 0.1 and level != 25 then
call tower.removeExpFlat(expRemoved)
![]() Red Lightning Conductor v1
![]() |
ID: 289
Family ID:
Author: SirCoqaLot.
Rarity: rare
Element: storm
Attack Type: Energy
Attack Range: 1200
Attack CD: 1.65
Damage: 384-1283
Status: Approved
Description: A very advanced construction for its times. It harbors a throbbing red crystal at its center, which has been rumored to drive anyone insane. ![]() Bounce attack:
3 targets
-60% damage per bounce
![]() This tower has a 30% chance to deal 3500 spell damage to its target whenever it deals damage. This ability has a 10% bonus chance to crit with 60% bonus damage. Level Bonus: +0.5% chance +140 damage ![]() Towers in 250 range have their spell damage increased by 35%. Level Bonus: +0.6% spell damage |
Toggle Triggers Header globals
BuffType sir_spell_aura
//Do not remove or rename this function!
//Put your initialization tasks here, this function will be called on map init
private function init takes nothing returns nothing
On Damage
ONDAMAGE_chance: 0.3
ONDAMAGE_chanceLevelAdd: 0.005
function onDamage takes Tower tower returns nothing
local Unit creep = Event.getTarget()
call Lightning.createFromUnitToUnit("AFOD", tower, creep).setLifetime(0.2)
call tower.doSpellDamage(creep,3500*(1+tower.getLevel()*0.04),tower.calcSpellCrit(0.1,0.6))
Tower Aura
AURA_auraEffect: sir_spell_aura
AURA_power: 3500
AURA_level: 3500
AURA_auraRange: 250
AURA_levelAdd: 60
AURA_powerAdd: 60
AURA_targetSelf: true
![]() Inflamed Stone Pillars v1
![]() |
ID: 302
Family ID:
Author: SirCoqaLot.
Rarity: rare
Element: fire
Attack Type: Magic
Attack Range: 850
Attack CD: 1
Damage: 1-518
Mana: 50
Mana regen: 7.5
Status: Unapproved
Description: Advanced tower that will critical strike if it is has enough mana. ![]() +2% mana regen/lvl
![]() This tower treats all spell modifiers as attack bonuses, with an 100% bonus gain of stated effect. Level Bonus: +4% bonus gain ![]() If this tower has at least 20 mana when it attacks, it will pay all its mana to proc a critical strike. 20 Mana is used to grant the critical strike and every further point of mana spent grants 10% more critical damage to that attack. Level Bonus: -.3 Mana needed |
Toggle Triggers Header globals
BuffType spellFlameDamage
BuffType spellFlameCritDamage
BuffType spellFlameCritChance
function addAttackStats takes Tower tower returns nothing
//Do not remove or rename this function!
//Put your initialization tasks here, this function will be called on map init
private function init takes nothing returns nothing
On Attack
ONATTACK_chance: 1.0
ONATTACK_chanceLevelAdd: 0.0
function onAttack takes Tower tower returns nothing
local real mana = GetUnitState(tower.getUnit(),UNIT_STATE_MANA)
call addAttackStats(tower)
if mana >= (20 - 0.2*tower.getLevel()) then
call tower.subtractMana(mana, false)
call tower.addCustomAttackCrit((mana - (20 - 0.2*tower.getLevel())) *0.08+tower.getProp_AtkCritDamage())
On Tower Creation function onCreate takes Tower tower returns nothing