![]() Cute Small Spider v1
![]() |
ID: 102
Family ID:
Author: D1000
Rarity: uncommon
Element: nature
Attack Type: Essence
Attack Range: 825
Attack CD: 1.2
Damage: 57-66
Status: Unapproved
![]() -30% dmg to nature +10% dmg to orcs +20% dmg to humanoids ![]() Units damaged by the spider become infected and receive 30 spell damage per second for 5 seconds. Further attacks on the same unit will increase the potency of the infection, stacking the damage and refreshing duration. Limit of 5 stacks. The highest stack amount of any spider that has infected a unit will be used. Level Bonus: +1.5 damage per second +0.05 second duration +1 stack every 5 levels |
Toggle Triggers Header globals
BuffType D1000_Spider_Poison
EventTypeList D1000_Spider_Apply
function D1000_Spider_Damage takes Buff b returns nothing
local Unit caster = b.getCaster()
call caster.doSpellDamage(b.getBuffedUnit(),b.userReal,caster.calcSpellCritNoBonus())
function hit takes Tower tower returns nothing
local Unit target = Event.getTarget()
local Buff b = target.getBuffOfType(D1000_Spider_Poison)
local integer level = tower.getLevel()
local real addDam = tower.userInt+tower.userReal*level
local real maxDam = tower.userInt2 + tower.userReal2 * level + addDam * (R2I(level / 5))
if b <= 0 then
set b = D1000_Spider_Poison.apply(tower, target, level)
set b.userReal = addDam
set b.userReal2 = maxDam
set b.userReal3 = tower.getProp_SpellDmgDealt()
if b.userReal2 >= maxDam then
set maxDam = b.userReal2
if b.userReal+addDam >= maxDam then
set addDam = maxDam
set addDam = b.userReal+addDam
if b.userReal3 < tower.getProp_SpellDmgDealt() then
call b.removeBuff()
set b = D1000_Spider_Poison.apply(tower, target, level)
set b.userReal3 = tower.getProp_SpellDmgDealt()
call b.setRemainingDuration(tower.userInt3 + tower.userReal3 * level)
set b.userReal = addDam
set b.userReal2 = maxDam
//Do not remove or rename this function!
//Put your initialization tasks here, this function will be called on map init
private function init takes nothing returns nothing
set D1000_Spider_Poison = BuffType.create(5,0.05,false)
call D1000_Spider_Poison.setBuffIcon('@@0@@')
call D1000_Spider_Poison.addPeriodicEvent(EventHandler.D1000_Spider_Damage,1)
set D1000_Spider_Apply = EventTypeList.create()
call D1000_Spider_Apply.addEventOnDamage(hit, 1, 0)
On Tower Creation function onCreate takes Tower tower returns nothing
call tower.addEventList(D1000_Spider_Apply)
set tower.userInt = 30
set tower.userReal = 1.5
set tower.userInt2 = 150
set tower.userReal2 = 7.5
set tower.userInt3 = 5
set tower.userReal3 = 0.05
![]() Ugly Small Spider v1
![]() |
ID: 174
Family ID:
Author: D1000
Rarity: uncommon
Element: nature
Attack Type: Essence
Attack Range: 825
Attack CD: 1.2
Damage: 180-189
Status: Unapproved
Description: It´s small and ... UGLY! ![]() -30% dmg to nature +10% dmg to orcs +20% dmg to humanoids ![]() Units damaged by the spider become infected and receive 90 spell damage per second for 5 seconds. Further attacks on the same unit will increase the potency of the infection, stacking the damage and refreshing duration. Limit of 5 stacks. The highest stack amount of any spider that has infected a unit will be used. Level Bonus: +4.5 damage per second +0.05 second duration +1 stack every 5 levels |
Toggle Triggers Header globals
BuffType D1000_Spider_Poison
EventTypeList D1000_Spider_Apply
//Do not remove or rename this function!
//Put your initialization tasks here, this function will be called on map init
private function init takes nothing returns nothing
On Tower Creation function onCreate takes Tower tower returns nothing
call tower.addEventList(D1000_Spider_Apply)
set tower.userInt = 90
set tower.userReal = 4.5
set tower.userInt2 = 450
set tower.userReal2 = 22.5
set tower.userInt3 = 5
set tower.userReal3 = 0.05
![]() Adorable Young Spider v1
![]() |
ID: 175
Family ID:
Author: D1000
Rarity: uncommon
Element: nature
Attack Type: Essence
Attack Range: 825
Attack CD: 1.2
Damage: 549-558
Status: Unapproved
Description: I can not describe this spider, but at least it doesn´t spit at me. ![]() -30% dmg to nature +10% dmg to orcs +20% dmg to humanoids ![]() Units damaged by the spider become infected and receive 270 spell damage per second for 5 seconds. Further attacks on the same unit will increase the potency of the infection, stacking the damage and refreshing duration. Limit of 5 stacks. The highest stack amount of any spider that has infected a unit will be used. Level Bonus: +13.5 damage per second +0.05 second duration +1 stack every 5 levels |
Toggle Triggers Header globals
BuffType D1000_Spider_Poison
EventTypeList D1000_Spider_Apply
//Do not remove or rename this function!
//Put your initialization tasks here, this function will be called on map init
private function init takes nothing returns nothing
On Tower Creation function onCreate takes Tower tower returns nothing
call tower.addEventList(D1000_Spider_Apply)
set tower.userInt = 270
set tower.userReal = 13.5
set tower.userInt2 = 1350
set tower.userReal2 = 67.5
set tower.userInt3 = 5
set tower.userReal3 = 0.05
![]() Breeding Adult Spider v1
![]() |
ID: 176
Family ID:
Author: D1000
Rarity: uncommon
Element: nature
Attack Type: Essence
Attack Range: 825
Attack CD: 1.2
Damage: 1532-1541
Status: Unapproved
Description: Ah..A grown up examplar! But it appears that it doesn´t want to get disturbed. ![]() -30% dmg to nature +10% dmg to orcs +20% dmg to humanoids ![]() Units damaged by the spider become infected and receive 750 spell damage per second for 5 seconds. Further attacks on the same unit will increase the potency of the infection, stacking the damage and refreshing duration. Limit of 5 stacks. The highest stack amount of any spider that has infected a unit will be used. Level Bonus: +37.5 damage per second +0.05 second duration +1 stack every 5 levels |
Toggle Triggers Header globals
BuffType D1000_Spider_Poison
EventTypeList D1000_Spider_Apply
//Do not remove or rename this function!
//Put your initialization tasks here, this function will be called on map init
private function init takes nothing returns nothing
On Tower Creation function onCreate takes Tower tower returns nothing
call tower.addEventList(D1000_Spider_Apply)
set tower.userInt = 750
set tower.userReal = 37.5
set tower.userInt2 = 3750
set tower.userReal2 = 187.5
set tower.userInt3 = 5
set tower.userReal3 = 0.05