![]() Cute Small Spider v1
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ID: 102
Family ID:
Author: D1000
Rarity: uncommon
Element: nature
Attack Type: Essence
Attack Range: 825
Attack CD: 1.2
Damage: 57-66
Abil. Factor: 0.4
Status: Unapproved
![]() -30% dmg to nature +10% dmg to orcs +20% dmg to humanoids ![]() Units damaged by the spider become infected and receive 30 spell damage per second for 5 seconds. Further attacks on the same unit will increase the potency of the infection, stacking the damage and refreshing duration. Limit of 5 stacks. The highest stack amount of any spider that has infected a unit will be used. Level Bonus: +1.5 damage per second +0.05 second duration +1 stack every 5 levels |
Toggle Triggers Header globals
BuffType D1000_Spider_Poison
EventTypeList D1000_Spider_Apply
function D1000_Spider_Damage takes Buff b returns nothing
local Unit caster = b.getCaster()
call caster.doSpellDamage(b.getBuffedUnit(),b.userReal,caster.calcSpellCritNoBonus())
function hit takes Tower tower returns nothing
local Unit target = Event.getTarget()
local Buff b = target.getBuffOfType(D1000_Spider_Poison)
local integer level = tower.getLevel()
local real addDam = tower.userInt+tower.userReal*level
local real maxDam = tower.userInt2 + tower.userReal2 * level + addDam * (R2I(level / 5))
if b <= 0 then
set b = D1000_Spider_Poison.apply(tower, target, level)
set b.userReal = addDam
set b.userReal2 = maxDam
set b.userReal3 = tower.getProp_SpellDmgDealt()
if b.userReal2 >= maxDam then
set maxDam = b.userReal2
if b.userReal+addDam >= maxDam then
set addDam = maxDam
set addDam = b.userReal+addDam
if b.userReal3 < tower.getProp_SpellDmgDealt() then
call b.removeBuff()
set b = D1000_Spider_Poison.apply(tower, target, level)
set b.userReal3 = tower.getProp_SpellDmgDealt()
call b.setRemainingDuration(tower.userInt3 + tower.userReal3 * level)
set b.userReal = addDam
set b.userReal2 = maxDam
//Do not remove or rename this function!
//Put your initialization tasks here, this function will be called on map init
private function init takes nothing returns nothing
set D1000_Spider_Poison = BuffType.create(5,0.05,false)
call D1000_Spider_Poison.setBuffIcon('@@0@@')
call D1000_Spider_Poison.addPeriodicEvent(EventHandler.D1000_Spider_Damage,1)
set D1000_Spider_Apply = EventTypeList.create()
call D1000_Spider_Apply.addEventOnDamage(hit, 1, 0)
On Tower Creation function onCreate takes Tower tower returns nothing
call tower.addEventList(D1000_Spider_Apply)
set tower.userInt = 30
set tower.userReal = 1.5
set tower.userInt2 = 150
set tower.userReal2 = 7.5
set tower.userInt3 = 5
set tower.userReal3 = 0.05
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