![]() Rooted Chasm v1
![]() |
ID: 680
Family ID:
Author: SirCoqaLot.
Rarity: uncommon
Element: nature
Attack Type: Essence
Attack Range: 950
Attack CD: 1.4
Damage: 47-47
Status: Approved
![]() Has a chance of 12.5% to entangle the attacked target for 1.5 seconds. Entangled targets are immobile and suffer 120 damage per second. Cannot entangle air or boss units. Level Bonus: +0.2% chance to entangle +6 damage per second |
Toggle Triggers Header globals
BuffType chasm_entangle
function chasmEntangleDamage takes Buff b returns nothing
local Tower t = b.getCaster()
local Creep c = b.getBuffedUnit()
call t.doSpellDamage(c, t.userInt + t.userInt * t.getLevel() / 20, t.calcSpellCritNoBonus())
//Do not remove or rename this function!
//Put your initialization tasks here, this function will be called on map init
private function init takes nothing returns nothing
set chasm_entangle = BuffType.createDuplicate(cb_stun, 1.5, 0.75, false)
call chasm_entangle.setBuffIcon('@@0@@')
call chasm_entangle.addPeriodicEvent(chasmEntangleDamage, 1.0)
On Damage
ONDAMAGE_chance: 0.125
ONDAMAGE_chanceLevelAdd: 0.002
function onDamage takes Tower tower returns nothing
local Creep target = Event.getTarget()
if target.getSize() < SIZE_BOSS and target.getSize() != SIZE_AIR then
call chasm_entangle.apply(tower, target, 0)
call target.reorder()
On Tower Creation function onCreate takes Tower tower returns nothing
set tower.userInt = 120 //base entagle dps
![]() Blooming Chasm v1
![]() |
ID: 681
Family ID:
Author: SirCoqaLot.
Rarity: uncommon
Element: nature
Attack Type: Essence
Attack Range: 950
Attack CD: 1.4
Damage: 289-289
Status: Approved
Description: Basic tower that has a small chance to root creeps it attacks. ![]() Has a 12.5% chance to entangle the attacked target for 2.25 seconds. Entangled targets are immobile and suffer 660 damage per second. Cannot entangle air or boss units. Level Bonus: +0.2% chance to entangle +33 damage per second |
Toggle Triggers Header globals
BuffType chasm_entangle
//Do not remove or rename this function!
//Put your initialization tasks here, this function will be called on map init
private function init takes nothing returns nothing
On Damage
ONDAMAGE_chance: 0.125
ONDAMAGE_chanceLevelAdd: 0.002
function onDamage takes Tower tower returns nothing
local Creep target = Event.getTarget()
if target.getSize() < SIZE_BOSS and target.getSize() != SIZE_AIR then
call chasm_entangle.apply(tower, target, 1)
call target.reorder()
On Tower Creation function onCreate takes Tower tower returns nothing
set tower.userInt = 660 //base entagle dps
![]() Cultivated Chasm v1
![]() |
ID: 682
Family ID:
Author: SirCoqaLot.
Rarity: uncommon
Element: nature
Attack Type: Essence
Attack Range: 950
Attack CD: 1.4
Damage: 961-961
Status: Approved
Description: Basic tower that has a small chance to root creeps it attacks. ![]() Has a 12.5% chance to entangle the attacked target for 3 seconds. Entangled targets are immobile and suffer 1800 damage per second. Cannot entangle air or boss units. Level Bonus: +0.2% chance to entangle +90 damage per second |
Toggle Triggers Header globals
BuffType chasm_entangle
//Do not remove or rename this function!
//Put your initialization tasks here, this function will be called on map init
private function init takes nothing returns nothing
On Damage
ONDAMAGE_chance: 0.125
ONDAMAGE_chanceLevelAdd: 0.002
function onDamage takes Tower tower returns nothing
local Creep target = Event.getTarget()
if target.getSize() < SIZE_BOSS and target.getSize() != SIZE_AIR then
call chasm_entangle.apply(tower, target, 2)
call target.reorder()
On Tower Creation function onCreate takes Tower tower returns nothing
set tower.userInt = 1800 //base entagle dps
![]() Flourishing Chasm v1
![]() |
ID: 679
Family ID:
Author: SirCoqaLot.
Rarity: uncommon
Element: nature
Attack Type: Essence
Attack Range: 950
Attack CD: 1.4
Damage: 2258-2258
Status: Approved
Description: Basic tower that has a small chance to root creeps it attacks. ![]() Has a 12.5% chance to entangle the attacked target for 3.75 seconds. Entangled targets are immobile and suffer 4300 damage per second. Cannot entangle air or boss units. Level Bonus: +0.2% chance to entangle +215 damage per second |
Toggle Triggers Header globals
BuffType chasm_entangle
//Do not remove or rename this function!
//Put your initialization tasks here, this function will be called on map init
private function init takes nothing returns nothing
On Damage
ONDAMAGE_chance: 0.125
ONDAMAGE_chanceLevelAdd: 0.002
function onDamage takes Tower tower returns nothing
local Creep target = Event.getTarget()
if target.getSize() < SIZE_BOSS and target.getSize() != SIZE_AIR then
call chasm_entangle.apply(tower, target, 3)
call target.reorder()
On Tower Creation function onCreate takes Tower tower returns nothing
set tower.userInt = 4300 //base entagle dps