Astral Rift v1
ID: 46
Family ID:
Author: i_mOck_death
Rarity: unique
Element: astral
Attack Type: Energy
Attack Range: 750
Attack CD: 1.5
Damage: 2151-2151
Mana: 180
Mana regen: 2.5
Status: Approved
Spacial Rift
Whenever this tower damages a creep it has a 10% chance to move that creep back by 175 units. Upon triggering there is a further 15% chance that all creeps in 175 AoE of the target will also be moved back 175 units. Costs 30 mana. Chance is halved for bosses. The original target and creeps around it will get startled and become slowed by 30% for 2 seconds in a 250 AoE. Level Bonus: +0.4% chance to move creep +1 units moved +1 slow and unit move AoE +1% slow
Presence of the Rift - Aura
The Astral Rift's presence is so powerful that it damages creeps equal to 200% of their movement speed every second in an area of 750. Level Bonus: +16% damage increase |
Toggle Triggers Header globals
BuffType mOck_AstralRift
BuffType mOck_AstralRift_Slow
//Do not remove or rename this function!
//Put your initialization tasks here, this function will be called on map init
function SPDamage takes Buff b returns nothing
local Creep c = b.getBuffedUnit()
local Tower t = b.getCaster()
call t.doSpellDamage(c,GetUnitMoveSpeed(c.getUnit())*((t.getLevel()*.16)+2),t.calcSpellCritNoBonus())
private function init takes nothing returns nothing
local Modifier Bmod = Modifier.create()
set mOck_AstralRift_Slow = BuffType.create(2,0,false)
set mOck_AstralRift = BuffType.createAuraEffectType(false)
call mOck_AstralRift.addPeriodicEvent(EventHandler.SPDamage, 1.00 )
call Bmod.addModification(MOD_MOVESPEED,-.3,-.01)
call mOck_AstralRift_Slow.setBuffModifier(Bmod)
call mOck_AstralRift.setStackingGroup("rift_aura")
call mOck_AstralRift.setBuffIcon('@@0@@')
call mOck_AstralRift_Slow.setBuffIcon('@@1@@')
On Damage
ONDAMAGE_chance: .10
ONDAMAGE_chanceLevelAdd: 0.004
function onDamage takes Tower tower returns nothing
local Creep target = Event.getTarget()
local Creep creep
local integer level = tower.getLevel()
local real facing
local real newX
local real newY
local Iterate it
if (target.getSize() < SIZE_BOSS or GetRandomInt(0,1) == 1) and tower.subtractMana(30,false) == 30 then
call Effect.createScaled("Abilities\\Spells\\Undead\\ReplenishMana\\ReplenishManaCaster.mdl", tower.getX()-16, tower.getY()-16, 10, 0, 30).setLifetime(1)
//Move the creep(s).
call Effect.createSimple("Abilities\\Spells\\Items\\AIil\\AIilTarget.mdl",target.getX(),target.getY()).destroy()
set facing = GetUnitFacing(target.getUnit()) - 180
if tower.calcChance(0.15) then
//Move all units around the target.
set it = Iterate.overUnitsInRangeOfUnit(tower, TARGET_CREEPS, target, 175.0 + level)
set creep =
exitwhen creep == 0
set newX = creep.getX() + (175+level) * Cos(facing * bj_DEGTORAD)
set newY = creep.getY() + (175+level) * Sin(facing * bj_DEGTORAD)
call creep.moveToPoint(newX,newY,true)
//Move target only.
set newX = target.getX() + (175+level) * Cos(facing * bj_DEGTORAD)
set newY = target.getY() + (175+level) * Sin(facing * bj_DEGTORAD)
call target.moveToPoint(newX,newY,true)
//Apply slow
call Effect.create("Abilities\\Spells\\Other\\Silence\\SilenceAreaBirth.mdl", target.getX(), target.getY(), 50, 0).setLifetime(1)
set it = Iterate.overUnitsInRangeOfUnit(tower, TARGET_CREEPS, target, 250 + level)
set creep =
exitwhen creep == 0
call mOck_AstralRift_Slow.apply(tower, creep, level)
Tower Aura
AURA_auraEffect: mOck_AstralRift
AURA_power: 0
AURA_level: 0
AURA_auraRange: 750
AURA_levelAdd: 1
AURA_powerAdd: 1
AURA_targetSelf: false