Chaining Storm v1
ID: 303
Family ID:
Author: SternBogen
Rarity: unique
Element: storm
Attack Type: Energy
Attack Range: 1100
Attack CD: 1.5
Damage: 946-952
Mana: 100
Mana regen: 10
Status: Approved
+50% dmg to air (+2%/lvl) +15 mana/lvl +0.1 mana regen/lvl
Strong Wind
All creeps in 900 range are affected by Strong Winds. Every second a creep is under this effect, it loses 3% of its movespeed and it is dealt 10% of towers attack damage for every 1% of movespeed it is missing. Slow effect stacks up to 15 times. Slow effect and damage is doubled for air units. Level Bonus: +0.08% slow +5 damage per 1% slow
Chaining Storm
Whenever this tower attacks, it has a 25% chance to cast a Chaining Storm at the position of the attacked creep for the cost of 100 mana. All creeps in 350 range of the Chaining Storm suffer 200 spelldamage multiplied by the number of creeps hit. They are also weakened to receive 2% more damage from Storm, Ice and Astral Towers for each hitted creep. All effects of this ability are doubled and a 25% higher spell critical chance is applied whenever the main target hit is an air unit. Level Bonus: +1.25% trigger chance +65 damage +0.12% received damage
Storm Power - Aura
If a creep dies while under the effect of Strong Wind its living energy is converted in +35 mana and boost this tower's abilities. Each death increases the triggerchance for Chaining Storm by +0.02% (maximum total triggerchance for Chaining Storm is 75%) and also increase the damage dealt with Strong Winds by 0.05 damage per 1% slow. |
Toggle Triggers Header globals
BuffType stern_slowBuffCS
MultiboardValues stern_stormPowerMB
//Do not remove or rename this function!
//Put your initialization tasks here, this function will be called on map init
function strongWindOnCreate takes Buff b returns nothing
set b.userInt = 0 //will be used to store buff level
set b.userInt2 = 0 // counts number of stacks
set b.userReal = 0.0 //records movespeed stolen (in case aura has levelled)
set b.userReal2 = 0.03 //stores slow factor, so that we don't need to recalculate it every second
function strongWindPeriodic takes Buff b returns nothing
local Tower caster = b.getCaster()
local Unit creep = b.getBuffedUnit()
local integer buffLevel = b.getLevel()
// local unit u = caster.getUnit()
//Check if aura level hasn't changed
if buffLevel != b.userInt then
set b.userInt = buffLevel
//Give creep back its old movespeed and calculate new slow factor.
set b.userReal2 = 0.03 + 0.0008 * buffLevel
if (creep.getSize() == SIZE_AIR) then
set b.userReal2 = b.userReal2 * 2
//Adjust movespeed accordingly
call creep.modifyProperty(MOD_MOVESPEED, b.userReal - b.userReal2 * b.userInt2)
set b.userReal = b.userReal2 * b.userInt2
//Apply slow
if b.userInt2 < 15 then //Max 15 stacks
//Add slow
set b.userInt2 = b.userInt2 + 1
call creep.modifyProperty(MOD_MOVESPEED, -b.userReal2)
set b.userReal = b.userReal + b.userReal2
//Deal damage
call caster.doAttackDamage(creep, b.userReal * 10 * caster.getCurrentAttackDamageWithBonus() * (1 + 0.05 * buffLevel + 0.0005 * caster.userInt), caster.calcAttackMulticrit(0,0,0))
// method displayFloatingText takes string whichText, Unit whichUnit, integer red, integer green, integer blue returns nothing
// call caster.getOwner().displayFloatingText(R2S(1 + 0.05 * buffLevel + 0.0005 * caster.userInt), caster, 200, 0, 0)
// call caster.getOwner().displayFloatingText(R2S(b.userReal), caster, 0, 200, 0)
// userReal 0.01 -> 0.02 -> *100 10% of damage -> *10 total
// call caster.getOwner().displayFloatingText(R2S(b.userReal * 10 * caster.getCurrentAttackDamageWithBonus() * (1 + 0.05 * buffLevel + 0.0005 * caster.userInt)), creep, 200, 0, 0)
function strongWindOnCleanup takes Buff b returns nothing
local Tower caster = b.getCaster()
local Unit creep = b.getBuffedUnit()
if (GetUnitState(creep.getUnit(), UNIT_STATE_LIFE) > 0) then
//Give creep its movespeed back
call creep.modifyProperty(MOD_MOVESPEED, b.userReal)
// creep died under the effect? Increse storm power!
set caster.userInt = caster.userInt + 1
// + mana
call caster.subtractMana(-35,true)
private function init takes nothing returns nothing
set stern_slowBuffCS = BuffType.createAuraEffectType(false)
call stern_slowBuffCS.setBuffIcon('@@0@@')
call stern_slowBuffCS.addEventOnCreate(strongWindOnCreate)
call stern_slowBuffCS.addPeriodicEvent(strongWindPeriodic, 1.0)
call stern_slowBuffCS.addEventOnCleanup(strongWindOnCleanup)
set stern_stormPowerMB = MultiboardValues.create(1)
call stern_stormPowerMB.setKey(0,"Storm Power")
On Attack
ONATTACK_chance: 1.0
ONATTACK_chanceLevelAdd: 0.0
function onAttack takes Tower tower returns nothing
local Unit creep = Event.getTarget()
local real x = creep.getX()
local real y = creep.getY()
local integer numCreeps = 0
local integer lvl = tower.getLevel()
local Creep curCreep
local Iterate creepsInRange
local real bonusSpellCrit = 0.0
local real mod
local real airBonus = 1.0
local unit towerUnit = tower.getUnit()
local real mana = GetUnitState(towerUnit, UNIT_STATE_MANA)
if tower.calcChance(0.25 + 0.0125 * lvl + tower.userInt * 0.0002) and tower.subtractMana(100, false) == 100 then
// remove Mana
// First Iteration
// for damage -> count creeps (save in: numCreeps)
set creepsInRange = Iterate.overUnitsInRangeOfUnit(tower, TARGET_CREEPS, creep, 350)
set curCreep =
exitwhen curCreep == 0
set numCreeps = numCreeps + 1
// do effects
call Effect.createSimple("Abilities\\Spells\\Human\\Thunderclap\\ThunderClapCaster.mdl", x, y).destroy()
call Effect.createSimple("Abilities\\Spells\\NightElf\\Cyclone\\CycloneTarget.mdl", x, y).destroy()
call Effect.createSimple("Abilities\\Spells\\Other\\Drain\\ManaDrainTarget.mdl", x, y).setLifetime(1)
//Adjust ratios against air.
if (SIZE_AIR == creep.getSize()) then
set bonusSpellCrit = 0.25
set airBonus = 2.0
call tower.doSpellDamageAoEUnit(creep, 350, numCreeps * airBonus * (200 + lvl * 65), tower.calcSpellCritNoBonus() + bonusSpellCrit,0)
// weaken creeps (weakening is divided by the number of creeps hit)
set creepsInRange = Iterate.overUnitsInRangeOfUnit(tower, TARGET_CREEPS, creep, 350)
set mod = (0.02 + 0.0012 * lvl) * numCreeps
set curCreep =
exitwhen curCreep == 0
call curCreep.modifyProperty(MOD_DMG_FROM_STORM, mod)
call curCreep.modifyProperty(MOD_DMG_FROM_ICE, mod)
call curCreep.modifyProperty(MOD_DMG_FROM_ASTRAL, mod)
set towerUnit = null
On Tower Creation function onCreate takes Tower tower returns nothing
set tower.userInt = 0 //Storm Power
On Tower Details
goldcost: 0
function onTowerDetails takes Tower tower returns MultiboardValues
call stern_stormPowerMB.setValue(0, I2S(tower.userInt))
return stern_stormPowerMB
Tower Aura
AURA_powerAdd: 1
AURA_auraEffect: stern_slowBuffCS
AURA_levelAdd: 1
AURA_power: 0
AURA_targetSelf: false
AURA_level: 0
AURA_auraRange: 900.0