Village Witch v1
ID: 183
Family ID:
Author: cedi
Rarity: uncommon
Element: darkness
Attack Type: Essence
Attack Range: 1100
Attack CD: 1.6
Damage: 135-135
Mana: 30
Mana regen: 1.5
Status: Approved
+1 mana/lvl +0.1 mana regen/lvl
Love Potion
The witch throws a bottle of love potion on the target, slowing it by 25% and increasing its item drop chance by 20%. The potion lasts 7 seconds. Level Bonus: +0.375% slow +0.3% Item drop chance AC_TYPE_OFFENSIVE_BUFF 25, 1100.00 range, 3.00s cooldown
Soul Split
When the witch attacks, it has a 30% chance to deal 50 spell damage to its target, increasing the witch's attackspeed by 10% and decreasing the chance to trigger this spell by 10%. These effects last 10 seconds and stack. If the target is under the influence of a Love Potion, the attackspeed bonus, the damage and the duration of this spell are doubled. Level Bonus: +2 spell damage |
Toggle Triggers Autocast
AUTOCAST_cooldown: 3.00
AUTOCAST_numBuffsBeforeIdle: 1
AUTOCAST_isExtended: false
AUTOCAST_manacost: 25
AUTOCAST_range: 1100.00
AUTOCAST_buffType: cedi_LovePotion
AUTOCAST_targetSelf: false
AUTOCAST_autoRange: 1100.00
private function onAutocast takes Tower tower returns nothing
set Projectile.createFromUnitToUnit( cedi_LoveMissile, tower, 1.00, tower.calcSpellCritNoBonus(), tower, Event.getTarget(), true, false, false ).userInt = 200 + tower.getLevel() * 3
Header globals
BuffType cedi_LovePotion
BuffType cedi_SoulBuff
ProjectileType cedi_LoveMissile
function cedi_Love takes Projectile p, Unit target returns nothing
local Unit tower = p.getCaster()
call cedi_LovePotion.apply( tower, target, p.userInt )
//Do not remove or rename this function!
//Put your initialization tasks here, this function will be called on map init
private function init takes nothing returns nothing
local Modifier mod = Modifier.create()
set cedi_LovePotion = BuffType.create( 7.00, 0.00, false )
call cedi_LovePotion.setBuffModifier(mod)
call mod.addModification(MOD_ITEM_CHANCE_ON_DEATH,0.00,0.001)
call mod.addModification(MOD_MOVESPEED,-0.00,-0.00125)
call cedi_LovePotion.setBuffIcon( '@@0@@' )
set cedi_SoulBuff = BuffType.create( 10.00, 0.00, true )
call cedi_SoulBuff.setBuffIcon( '@@1@@' )
set cedi_LoveMissile = ProjectileType.create( "Abilities\\Spells\\Other\\AcidBomb\\BottleMissile.mdl", 999.99, 1100.00 )
call cedi_LoveMissile.enableHoming( cedi_Love, 0.00 )
On Damage
ONDAMAGE_chance: 1.0
ONDAMAGE_chanceLevelAdd: 0.0
function onDamage takes Tower tower returns nothing
local real multipler = 1.00
local integer UID = tower.getUID()
if tower.calcChance( tower.userReal / 100.00 ) then
if Event.getTarget().getBuffOfType( cedi_LovePotion ) != 0 then
set multipler = 2.00
call tower.getOwner().displayFloatingTextX( "Double", tower, 255, 0, 0, 255, 64.00, 1.00, 2.00 )
call SFXAtUnit("Objects\\Spawnmodels\\Undead\\UndeadDissipate\\UndeadDissipate.mdl", tower.getUnit())
call tower.doSpellDamage( Event.getTarget(), (50 + 2 * tower.getLevel() ) * multipler, tower.calcSpellCritNoBonus() )
call cedi_SoulBuff.applyCustomTimed( tower, tower, 1, 10 * multipler )
set tower.userReal = tower.userReal - 10.00 //* multipler
call tower.modifyProperty( MOD_ATTACKSPEED, 0.10 * multipler )
call TriggerSleepAction( 10.00 * multipler )
if tower.getUID() == UID then
call tower.modifyProperty( MOD_ATTACKSPEED, -0.10 * multipler )
set tower.userReal = tower.userReal + 10.00 //* multipler
On Tower Creation function onCreate takes Tower tower returns nothing
set tower.userReal = 30.00
Adept Witch v1
ID: 375
Family ID:
Author: cedi
Rarity: uncommon
Element: darkness
Attack Type: Essence
Attack Range: 1100
Attack CD: 1.6
Damage: 538-538
Mana: 30
Mana regen: 1.5
Status: Approved
Description: Yet she has the knowledge to transform you into a frog.
+1 mana/lvl +0.1 mana regen/lvl
Love Potion
The witch throws a bottle of love potion on the target, slowing it by 32% and increasing its item drop chance by 25.6%. The potion lasts 7 seconds. Level Bonus: +0.375% slow +0.3% Item drop chance AC_TYPE_OFFENSIVE_BUFF 25, 1100.00 range, 3.00s cooldown
Soul Split
When the witch attacks, it has a 36% chance to deal 400 spell damage to its target, increasing the witch's attackspeed by 15% and decreasing the chance to trigger this spell by 9%. These effects last 12 seconds and stack. If the target is under the influence of a Love Potion, the attackspeed bonus, the damage and the duration of this spell are doubled. Level Bonus: +16 spell damage |
Toggle Triggers Autocast
AUTOCAST_cooldown: 3.00
AUTOCAST_numBuffsBeforeIdle: 1
AUTOCAST_isExtended: false
AUTOCAST_manacost: 25
AUTOCAST_range: 1100.00
AUTOCAST_buffType: cedi_LovePotion
AUTOCAST_targetSelf: false
AUTOCAST_autoRange: 1100.00
private function onAutocast takes Tower tower returns nothing
set Projectile.createFromUnitToUnit( cedi_LoveMissile, tower, 1.00, tower.calcSpellCritNoBonus(), tower, Event.getTarget(), true, false, false ).userInt = 256 + tower.getLevel() * 3
Header globals
BuffType cedi_LovePotion
BuffType cedi_SoulBuff
ProjectileType cedi_LoveMissile
//Do not remove or rename this function!
//Put your initialization tasks here, this function will be called on map init
private function init takes nothing returns nothing
On Damage
ONDAMAGE_chance: 1.0
ONDAMAGE_chanceLevelAdd: 0.0
function onDamage takes Tower tower returns nothing
local real multipler = 1.00
local integer UID = tower.getUID()
if tower.calcChance( tower.userReal / 100.00 ) then
if Event.getTarget().getBuffOfType( cedi_LovePotion ) != 0 then
set multipler = 2.00
call tower.getOwner().displayFloatingTextX( "Double", tower, 255, 0, 0, 255, 64.00, 1.00, 2.00 )
call SFXAtUnit("Objects\\Spawnmodels\\Undead\\UndeadDissipate\\UndeadDissipate.mdl", tower.getUnit())
call tower.doSpellDamage( Event.getTarget(), (400 + 16 * tower.getLevel() ) * multipler, tower.calcSpellCritNoBonus() )
call cedi_SoulBuff.applyCustomTimed( tower, tower, 1, 12 * multipler )
set tower.userReal = tower.userReal - 9.00 //* multipler
call tower.modifyProperty( MOD_ATTACKSPEED, 0.15 * multipler )
call TriggerSleepAction( 12.00 * multipler )
if tower.getUID() == UID then
call tower.modifyProperty( MOD_ATTACKSPEED, -0.15 * multipler )
set tower.userReal = tower.userReal + 9.00 //* multipler
On Tower Creation function onCreate takes Tower tower returns nothing
set tower.userReal = 36.00
Skilled Witch v1
ID: 184
Family ID:
Author: cedi
Rarity: uncommon
Element: darkness
Attack Type: Essence
Attack Range: 1100
Attack CD: 1.6
Damage: 1076-1076
Mana: 30
Mana regen: 1.5
Status: Approved
Description: Yes, she is scary.
+1 mana/lvl +0.1 mana regen/lvl
Love Potion
The witch throws a bottle of love potion on the target, slowing it by 36% and increasing its item drop chance by 28.8%. The potion lasts 7 seconds. Level Bonus: +0.375% slow +0.3% Item drop chance AC_TYPE_OFFENSIVE_BUFF 25, 1100.00 range, 3.00s cooldown
Soul Split
When the witch attacks, it has a 39% chance to deal 800 spell damage to its target, increasing the witch's attackspeed by 20% and decreasing the chance to trigger this spell by 8.5%. These effects last 13 seconds and stack. If the target is under the influence of a Love Potion, the attackspeed bonus, the damage and the duration of this spell are doubled. Level Bonus: +32 spell damage |
Toggle Triggers Autocast
AUTOCAST_cooldown: 3.00
AUTOCAST_numBuffsBeforeIdle: 1
AUTOCAST_isExtended: false
AUTOCAST_manacost: 25
AUTOCAST_range: 1100.00
AUTOCAST_buffType: cedi_LovePotion
AUTOCAST_targetSelf: false
AUTOCAST_autoRange: 1100.00
private function onAutocast takes Tower tower returns nothing
set Projectile.createFromUnitToUnit( cedi_LoveMissile, tower, 1.00, tower.calcSpellCritNoBonus(), tower, Event.getTarget(), true, false, false ).userInt = 288 + tower.getLevel() * 3
Header globals
BuffType cedi_LovePotion
BuffType cedi_SoulBuff
ProjectileType cedi_LoveMissile
//Do not remove or rename this function!
//Put your initialization tasks here, this function will be called on map init
private function init takes nothing returns nothing
On Damage
ONDAMAGE_chance: 1.0
ONDAMAGE_chanceLevelAdd: 0.0
function onDamage takes Tower tower returns nothing
local real multipler = 1.00
local integer UID = tower.getUID()
if ( tower.calcChance( tower.userReal / 100.00 ) ) then
if Event.getTarget().getBuffOfType( cedi_LovePotion ) != 0 then
set multipler = 2.00
call tower.getOwner().displayFloatingTextX( "Double", tower, 255, 0, 0, 255, 64.00, 1.00, 2.00 )
call SFXAtUnit("Objects\\Spawnmodels\\Undead\\UndeadDissipate\\UndeadDissipate.mdl", tower.getUnit())
call tower.doSpellDamage( Event.getTarget(), (800 + 32 * tower.getLevel() ) * multipler, tower.calcSpellCritNoBonus() )
call cedi_SoulBuff.applyCustomTimed( tower, tower, 1, 13 * multipler )
set tower.userReal = tower.userReal - 8.50 //* multipler
call tower.modifyProperty( MOD_ATTACKSPEED, 0.20 * multipler )
call TriggerSleepAction( 13.00 * multipler )
if tower.getUID() == UID then
call tower.modifyProperty( MOD_ATTACKSPEED, -0.20 * multipler )
set tower.userReal = tower.userReal + 8.50 //* multipler
On Tower Creation function onCreate takes Tower tower returns nothing
set tower.userReal = 39.00
Witch Queen v1
ID: 185
Family ID:
Author: cedi
Rarity: uncommon
Element: darkness
Attack Type: Essence
Attack Range: 1100
Attack CD: 1.6
Damage: 2153-2153
Mana: 30
Mana regen: 1.5
Status: Approved
Description: What's the thing around my ankle? Ohh that, that are the hands of one of my minions.
+1 mana/lvl +0.1 mana regen/lvl
Love Potion
The witch throws a bottle of love potion on the target, slowing it by 42% and increasing its item drop chance by 33.6%. The potion lasts 7 seconds. Level Bonus: +0.375% slow +0.3% Item drop chance AC_TYPE_OFFENSIVE_BUFF 25, 1100.00 range, 3.00s cooldown
Soul Split
When the witch attacks, it has a 42% chance to deal 2000 spell damage to its target, increasing the witch's attackspeed by 25% and decreasing the chance to trigger this spell by 8%. These effects last 15 seconds and stack. If the target is under the influence of a Love Potion, the attackspeed bonus, the damage and the duration of this spell are doubled. Level Bonus: +80 spell damage |
Toggle Triggers Autocast
AUTOCAST_cooldown: 3.00
AUTOCAST_numBuffsBeforeIdle: 1
AUTOCAST_isExtended: false
AUTOCAST_manacost: 25
AUTOCAST_range: 1100.00
AUTOCAST_buffType: cedi_LovePotion
AUTOCAST_targetSelf: false
AUTOCAST_autoRange: 1100.00
private function onAutocast takes Tower tower returns nothing
set Projectile.createFromUnitToUnit( cedi_LoveMissile, tower, 1.00, tower.calcSpellCritNoBonus(), tower, Event.getTarget(), true, false, false ).userInt = 336 + tower.getLevel() * 3
Header globals
BuffType cedi_LovePotion
BuffType cedi_SoulBuff
ProjectileType cedi_LoveMissile
//Do not remove or rename this function!
//Put your initialization tasks here, this function will be called on map init
private function init takes nothing returns nothing
On Damage
ONDAMAGE_chance: 1.0
ONDAMAGE_chanceLevelAdd: 0.0
function onDamage takes Tower tower returns nothing
local real multipler = 1.00
local integer UID = tower.getUID()
if ( tower.calcChance( tower.userReal / 100.00 ) ) then
if Event.getTarget().getBuffOfType( cedi_LovePotion ) != 0 then
set multipler = 2.00
call tower.getOwner().displayFloatingTextX( "Double", tower, 255, 0, 0, 255, 64.00, 1.00, 2.00 )
call SFXAtUnit("Objects\\Spawnmodels\\Undead\\UndeadDissipate\\UndeadDissipate.mdl", tower.getUnit())
call tower.doSpellDamage( Event.getTarget(), (2000 + 80 * tower.getLevel() ) * multipler, tower.calcSpellCritNoBonus() )
call cedi_SoulBuff.applyCustomTimed( tower, tower, 1, 15 * multipler )
set tower.userReal = tower.userReal - 8.00 //* multipler
call tower.modifyProperty( MOD_ATTACKSPEED, 0.25 * multipler )
call TriggerSleepAction( 15.00 * multipler )
if tower.getUID() == UID then
call tower.modifyProperty( MOD_ATTACKSPEED, -0.25 * multipler )
set tower.userReal = tower.userReal + 8.00 //* multipler
On Tower Creation function onCreate takes Tower tower returns nothing
set tower.userReal = 42.00