Ebonfrost Crystal v1
ID: 437
Family ID:
Author: Ashbringer
Rarity: unique
Element: ice
Attack Type: Elemental
Attack Range: 1000
Attack CD: 1.6
Damage: 1960-1960
Abil. Factor: 0.3
Status: Approved
Shattering Barrage
Spends all mana to encase the target in ice, stunning it and increasing damage taken by 100% for up to [mana / 150] seconds. All icicles are then fired at the target. Duration is reduced by 75% on Bosses, to a minimum of 2 seconds. Level Bonus: -1 mana divisor
Attacks have a 15% chance and Icy Bombardments have a 5% chance to create an icicle on hit, which is stored and waits to be fired. Stored icicles passively increase attack damage by 5% and mana regen by 0.5 mana per second each. Maximum of 5 icicles. At maximum icicles, any more icicles created are instantly fired at the target. Each icicle deals 3000 Frostburn damage on hit and permanently increases the damage dealt by future icicles by this tower by 2%. Level Bonus: +0.4% chance on attack +0.1% chance on Icy Bombardment +80 damage +1 max icicle every 5 levels
Icy Bombardment
Attacks have a 15% chance to fire a projectile at a random point within 150 range of the attacked creep that deals 25% of current attack damage as Frostburn damage in 200 AoE splash. Each additional projectile has a 30% chance to fire another, up to a maximum of 4 per attack. Level Bonus: +0.4% initial chance +0.4% additional chance +0.6% damage
This tower's attacks and abilities deal Frostburn damage. 50% of the damage is dealt immediately as attack damage. 100% of the remaining damage is dealt as spell damage over 5 seconds. If this effect is reapplied, any remaining damage will be added to the new duration. Level Bonus: +1% damage over time |
Toggle Triggers Autocast
AUTOCAST_cooldown: 30
AUTOCAST_autoRange: 750
AUTOCAST_manacost: 300
AUTOCAST_range: 1000
AUTOCAST_targetType: 0
AUTOCAST_numBuffsBeforeIdle: 0
AUTOCAST_buffType: 0
AUTOCAST_isExtended: true
AUTOCAST_targetSelf: false
private function onAutocast takes Tower tower returns nothing
local Creep target = Event.getTarget()
local real towermana = GetUnitState( tower.getUnit(), UNIT_STATE_MANA)
local real duration = towermana / (150 - tower.getLevel())
if target.getSize()==SIZE_BOSS then
set duration = duration * 0.25
if duration<2.0 then
set duration = 2.0
call ashbringer_shatter_buff.applyCustomTimed(tower, target, tower.getLevel(), duration)
call tower.subtractMana(towermana, true)
Header globals
BuffType ashbringer_frostburn_buff
BuffType ashbringer_shatter_buff
ProjectileType ashbringer_breath_missile
BuffType ashbringer_icicle_buff
ProjectileType ashbringer_icicle_prop
ProjectileType ashbringer_icicle_missile
struct Icicles
Projectile array p[10]
Effect array e[10]
boolean array t[10]
real array x[10]
real array y[10]
function ashbringer_icicles_setup takes Tower tower returns nothing
local Icicles ic = Icicles.create()
local integer count = 0
set tower.userInt = 0
set tower.userInt2 = 5 //starting max
set tower.userReal = 0
set tower.userReal2 = I2R(tower.getUID())
set ic.e[count] = 0
set ic.t[count] = false
set count = count + 1
exitwhen count==10
set tower.userInt3 = ic
function ashbringer_icicle_fire takes Tower tower, Creep target returns nothing
call Projectile.createFromPointToUnit(ashbringer_icicle_missile, tower, 0, 0, tower.getX(), tower.getY(), 200, target, true, false, false).setScale(0.7)
set tower.userReal = tower.userReal + 1
function ashbringer_icicle_store takes Tower tower returns nothing
local integer num = tower.userInt
local real tower_x
local real tower_y
local real angle
local real target_x
local real target_y
local Projectile p
local Icicles ic = tower.userInt3
//safeguard against remnant icicles, find open icicle slot
if ic.t[num]==true then
set num = 0
set num = num + 1
exitwhen num==tower.userInt2 or ic.t[num-1]!=true
if num<tower.userInt2 then
set angle = 360 / tower.userInt2 * num
set tower_x = tower.getX()
set tower_y = tower.getY()
set target_x = tower_x + 100 * Cos(Deg2Rad(angle))
set target_y = tower_y + 100 * Sin(Deg2Rad(angle))
set p = Projectile.createLinearInterpolationFromPointToPoint(ashbringer_icicle_prop, tower, 1.0, 0.0, tower_x, tower_y, 200, target_x, target_y, 200, 0.0)
call p.setScale(0.7)
set p.userReal = target_x
set p.userReal2 = target_y
set p.userReal3 = angle
set p.userInt = num
set ic.p[num] = p
set ic.x[num] = p.userReal
set ic.y[num] = p.userReal2
set ic.t[num] = true
set tower.userInt = tower.userInt + 1
call ashbringer_icicle_buff.apply(tower, tower, tower.userInt)
function ashbringer_icicle_effect takes Projectile p, Unit target returns nothing
local Tower tower = p.getCaster()
local Icicles ic = tower.userInt3
if ic.e[p.userInt]!=0 then
call ic.e[p.userInt].destroy()
if ic.t[p.userInt]==true and tower.getUID()!=0 and tower.getUID()==R2I(tower.userReal2) then
set ic.e[p.userInt] = Effect.createScaled("Abilities\\Spells\\Other\\FrostBolt\\FrostBoltMissile.mdl", p.userReal, p.userReal2, 200, p.userReal3, 0.7)
call ic.e[p.userInt].noDeathAnimation()
function ashbringer_icicle_create takes Tower tower, Creep target returns nothing
if tower.userInt<tower.userInt2 then
call ashbringer_icicle_store(tower) //stores the icicle
call ashbringer_icicle_fire(tower, target) //fires on immediately
function ashbringer_frostburn_damage takes Tower tower, Creep target, real damage returns nothing
local Buff b
local real damage_stack
local real dot_inc = 1.0 + (tower.getLevel() * 0.01)
local integer limit = 25 + tower.getLevel()
call tower.doAttackDamage(target, damage * 0.5, tower.calcAttackMulticrit(0, 0, 0))
set b = target.getBuffOfType(ashbringer_frostburn_buff)
if b != 0 then
set damage_stack = b.userReal + (damage * 0.5 * dot_inc)
set ashbringer_frostburn_buff.apply(tower, target, 0).userReal = damage_stack
set ashbringer_frostburn_buff.apply(tower, target, 0).userReal = (damage * 0.5 * dot_inc)
function ashbringer_frostburn_dot takes Buff b returns nothing
local Tower tower = b.getCaster()
local Creep target = b.getBuffedUnit()
local real remaining = b.getRemainingDuration()
local real damage_tick = b.userReal / remaining
if remaining<1 then
set damage_tick = b.userReal
if damage_tick>0 then
set b.userReal = b.userReal - damage_tick
call tower.doSpellDamage(target, damage_tick, tower.calcSpellCritNoBonus())
public function ashbringer_icicle_hit takes Projectile p, Creep target returns nothing
local Tower tower = p.getCaster()
call ashbringer_frostburn_damage(tower, target, (3000 + (tower.getLevel() * 80)) * (1.0 + (tower.userReal * 0.02)))
public function ashbringer_icicle_fireall takes Tower tower, Creep target returns nothing
local Icicles ic = tower.userInt3
local integer count = tower.userInt2
local Projectile icicle
local Buff b
set tower.userInt = tower.userInt2 //set to max so any created during this time are fired instantly
set count = count - 1
if ic.t[count]==true then
set icicle = Projectile.createFromPointToUnit(ashbringer_icicle_missile, tower, 0, 0, ic.x[count], ic.y[count], 200, target, true, false, false)
set icicle.speed = 1400 - (count * 70)
call icicle.setScale(0.7)
set tower.userReal = tower.userReal + 1
set ic.t[count] = false
call ic.p[count].destroy()
if ic.e[count]!=0 then
call ic.e[count].destroy()
set ic.p[count] = 0
set ic.e[count] = 0
exitwhen count==0
set tower.userInt = 0
set b = tower.getBuffOfType(ashbringer_icicle_buff)
if b != 0 then
call b.removeBuff()
function ashbringer_breath_barrage takes Tower tower, real chance, Creep target returns nothing
local integer shots = 0
local real target_x = target.getX()
local real target_y = target.getY()
local integer UID = target.getUID()
local Projectile p
local real random_angle
local real random_distance
local real launch_x
local real launch_y
set random_angle = GetRandomReal(0, 360)
set random_distance = GetRandomReal(0, 150)
set launch_x = target_x + random_distance * Cos(Deg2Rad(random_angle))
set launch_y = target_y + random_distance * Sin(Deg2Rad(random_angle))
set p = Projectile.createLinearInterpolationFromPointToPoint(ashbringer_breath_missile, tower, 0, 0, tower.getX(), tower.getY(), 200, launch_x, launch_y, 0, 0.2)
set p.userReal = launch_x
set p.userReal2 = launch_y
set shots = shots + 1
exitwhen tower.calcChance(chance) == false or shots>=4
function ashbringer_breath_hit takes Projectile p returns nothing
local Tower tower = p.getCaster()
local Iterate i = Iterate.overUnitsInRange(tower, TARGET_TYPE_CREEPS, p.userReal, p.userReal2, 200)
local Creep next = i.next()
local real damage = tower.getCurrentAttackDamageWithBonus() * (0.25 + (tower.getLevel() * 0.006))
local real icicle_chance = 0.05 + (tower.getLevel() * 0.001)
exitwhen next == 0
call ashbringer_frostburn_damage(tower, next, damage)
if tower.calcChance(icicle_chance) then
call ashbringer_icicle_create(tower, next)
set next = i.next()
function ashbringer_shatter_oncreate takes Buff b returns nothing
local Tower tower = b.getCaster()
local Creep target = b.getBuffedUnit()
call cb_stun.applyOnlyTimed(tower, target, b.getRemainingDuration())
call ashbringer_icicle_fireall(tower, target)
//Do not remove or rename this function!
//Put your initialization tasks here, this function will be called on map init
private function init takes nothing returns nothing
local Modifier ashbringer_icicle_modifier = Modifier.create()
local Modifier ashbringer_shatter_modifier = Modifier.create()
set ashbringer_frostburn_buff = BuffType.create(5, 0, false)
call ashbringer_frostburn_buff.setBuffIcon('@@0@@')
call ashbringer_frostburn_buff.addPeriodicEvent(ashbringer_frostburn_dot, 1.0)
set ashbringer_shatter_buff = BuffType.create(5, 0, false)
call ashbringer_shatter_buff.setBuffIcon('@@1@@')
call ashbringer_shatter_modifier.addModification(MOD_ATK_DAMAGE_RECEIVED, 0, 1.0)
call ashbringer_shatter_modifier.addModification(MOD_SPELL_DAMAGE_RECEIVED, 0, 1.0)
call ashbringer_shatter_buff.setBuffModifier(ashbringer_shatter_modifier)
call ashbringer_shatter_buff.addEventOnCreate(ashbringer_shatter_oncreate)
set ashbringer_icicle_buff = BuffType.create(-1.0, 0, true)
call ashbringer_icicle_buff.setBuffIcon('@@2@@')
call ashbringer_icicle_modifier.addModification(MOD_DAMAGE_ADD_PERC, 0.0, 0.05)
call ashbringer_icicle_modifier.addModification(MOD_MANA_REGEN, 0.0, 0.5)
call ashbringer_icicle_buff.setBuffModifier(ashbringer_icicle_modifier)
set ashbringer_breath_missile = ProjectileType.create("Abilities\\Weapons\\FrostWyrmMissile\\FrostWyrmMissile.mdl", 5, 1650)
call ashbringer_breath_missile.setEventOnCleanup(ProjectileEvent.ashbringer_breath_hit)
set ashbringer_icicle_prop = ProjectileType.createInterpolate("Abilities\\Spells\\Other\\FrostBolt\\FrostBoltMissile.mdl", 200)
call ashbringer_icicle_prop.setEventOnInterpolationFinished(ashbringer_icicle_effect)
call ashbringer_icicle_prop.disableExplodeOnExpiration()
set ashbringer_icicle_missile = ProjectileType.create("Abilities\\Spells\\Other\\FrostBolt\\FrostBoltMissile.mdl", 5, 1400)
call ashbringer_icicle_missile.enableHoming(ProjectileTargetEvent.ashbringer_icicle_hit, 0)
On Attack
ONATTACK_chance: 0.15
ONATTACK_chanceLevelAdd: 0.004
function onAttack takes Tower tower returns nothing
call ashbringer_breath_barrage(tower, 0.3 + (tower.getLevel() * 0.004), Event.getTarget())
On Damage
ONDAMAGE_chance: 1.0
ONDAMAGE_chanceLevelAdd: 0.0
function onDamage takes Tower tower returns nothing
local Creep target = Event.getTarget()
local real damage = Event.damage
local real icicle_chance = 0.15 + (tower.getLevel() * 0.004)
call ashbringer_frostburn_damage(tower, target, damage)
set Event.damage = 0
if tower.calcChance(icicle_chance) then
call ashbringer_icicle_create(tower, Event.getTarget())
On Level Up function onLevelUp takes Tower tower returns nothing
local integer prev_max = tower.userInt2
local Icicles ic = tower.userInt3
local Buff b
local integer count = 0
set tower.userInt2 = 5 + (tower.getLevel() / 5)
//cleanup ones over the limit on delevel
if tower.userInt2<prev_max then
set count = tower.userInt2
if ic.t[count]==true then
call ic.p[count].destroy()
if ic.e[count]!=0 then
call ic.e[count].destroy()
set ic.t[count] = false
set count = count + 1
exitwhen count==10
On Tower Creation function onCreate takes Tower tower returns nothing
call ashbringer_icicles_setup(tower)
On Tower Destruction function onDestruct takes Tower tower returns nothing
local Icicles ic = tower.userInt3
local integer count = 0
local Buff b
if ic.t[count]==true then
call ic.p[count].destroy()
if ic.e[count]!=0 then
call ic.e[count].destroy()
set ic.t[count] = false
set count = count + 1
exitwhen count==10
call ic.destroy()
set b = tower.getBuffOfType(ashbringer_icicle_buff)
if b != 0 then
call b.removeBuff()
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