![]() Crimson Wyrm v2
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ID: 139
Family ID:
Author: SirCoqaLot.
Rarity: unique
Element: fire
Attack Type: Elemental
Attack Range: 950
Attack CD: 2
Damage: 90-10099
Abil. Factor: 0.60795
Status: Approved
![]() Every 7th-11th attack releases 3 fireballs that fly towards random targets in 950 range, dealing 3750 spelldamage in 250 AoE around the target on impact. Level Bonus: +150 spelldamage -1 minimum and maximum attack needed at levels 15 and 25 +1 fireball at level 10 +5% bonus crit chance at levels 5 and 20 ![]() Whenever the Crimson Wyrm kills a creep it hoards 75% of the bounty. The hoard has a maximum capacity of 90000 gold and grants [gold hoarded / 50]% spelldamage and base attackdamage. Hint: This ability is modified by both the creep's and this tower's bounty ratios. |
Toggle Triggers Header globals
MultiboardValues sir_wyrm_bonus
ProjectileType sir_wyrm_projectile
// function being called whenever the hoard is updated
function sir_update takes Tower tower, real value returns nothing
call tower.modifyProperty(MOD_DAMAGE_BASE_PERC, -tower.userReal / 5000)
call tower.modifyProperty(MOD_SPELL_DAMAGE_DEALT, -tower.userReal / 5000)
set tower.userReal = tower.userReal + value
call tower.modifyProperty(MOD_DAMAGE_BASE_PERC, tower.userReal / 5000)
call tower.modifyProperty(MOD_SPELL_DAMAGE_DEALT, tower.userReal / 5000)
private function sir_wyrm_hit takes Projectile p, Unit u returns nothing
local Tower t = p.getCaster()
local integer l = t.getLevel()
local real critmod
if l >= 20 then
set critmod = 0.1
elseif l >= 5 and l < 20 then
set critmod = 0.05
set critmod = 0
call t.doSpellDamageAoE(p.x,p.y,250,3750+l*150,t.calcSpellCrit(critmod,0),0)
function releaseFireballs takes Tower tower, integer balls returns nothing
local integer level = tower.getLevel()
local Iterate it = Iterate.overUnitsInRangeOfCaster(tower,TARGET_CREEPS,950)
local Unit target
local Unit last = 0
set target = it.nextRandom()
exitwhen target == 0
call Projectile.createBezierInterpolationFromUnitToUnit(sir_wyrm_projectile,tower,1,1,tower,target,0,GetRandomReal(-0.35,0.35),GetRandomReal(0.17,0.4),true).setScale(2.0)// gives the fireballs a slightly random trajectory
set balls = balls - 1
set last = target
exitwhen balls == 0
if target != 0 then
//Targets remain, so all balls must've been fired.
call it.destroy()
elseif balls > 0 then
if last != 0 then
//Shoot remaining balls at last target. (This is ALRIGHT, because there is a max of 4 balls all up.
//So worst case scenario, there are two creeps in range: one of them is hit with one fireball, and the other with three.)
call Projectile.createBezierInterpolationFromUnitToUnit(sir_wyrm_projectile,tower,1,1,tower,last,0,GetRandomReal(-0.35,0.35),GetRandomReal(0.17,0.4),true).setScale(2.0)// gives the fireballs a slightly random trajectory
set balls = balls - 1
exitwhen balls == 0
set tower.userInt = 0 //(shoot all fireballs on next attack.)
//Do not remove or rename this function!
//Put your initialization tasks here, this function will be called on map init
private function init takes nothing returns nothing
set sir_wyrm_bonus = MultiboardValues.create(3)
call sir_wyrm_bonus.setKey(0,"Gold Hoarded")
call sir_wyrm_bonus.setKey(1,"Bonus Damage")
call sir_wyrm_bonus.setKey(2,"Atks to Fireballs")
set sir_wyrm_projectile = ProjectileType.createInterpolate("Abilities\\Weapons\\FireBallMissile\\FireBallMissile.mdl",700)
call sir_wyrm_projectile.setEventOnInterpolationFinished(sir_wyrm_hit)
On Attack
ONATTACK_chance: 1.0
ONATTACK_chanceLevelAdd: 0.0
function onAttack takes Tower tower returns nothing
local integer level = tower.getLevel()
// check if 0 attacks remain till fireballs
if tower.userInt > 0 then
set tower.userInt = tower.userInt - 1
// setting minimum number of attacks before next fireballs
if level == 25 then
set tower.userInt = 5
elseif level >= 15 then
set tower.userInt = 6
set tower.userInt = 7
// set +0,+1 or +2 attacks and release bolts afterwards
set tower.userInt = tower.userInt + GetRandomInt(0,4)
// setting the number of fireballs
if level >= 10 then
call releaseFireballs(tower, 4)
call releaseFireballs(tower, 3)
On Kill function onKill takes Tower tower returns nothing
local Creep creep() = Event.getTarget()
local integer level = tower.getLevel()
local real value = 0.75*creep.getBaseBountyValue()*creep.getProp_BountyGranted()*tower.getProp_BountyReceived()
local real hoardSize = 90000
if tower.userReal >= hoardSize then
set value = 0
elseif tower.userReal + value > hoardSize then
set value = hoardSize-tower.userReal
if value != 0 then
call sir_update(tower,value)
call tower.getOwner().giveGold(-value,tower.getUnit(), false, false)
call SFXAtUnit("Abilities\\Spells\\Other\\Transmute\\PileofGold.mdl",tower.getUnit())
On Tower Creation function onCreate takes Tower tower returns nothing
local Tower preceding = Event.getPrecedingTower()
set tower.userReal = 0
if preceding.getUnitType() == tower.getUnitType() then //This is kind of obsolete, but whatever; can't use family because no family
call sir_update(tower,preceding.userReal) //Somebody might replace this tower with this tower
set tower.userInt = 9// mediocre cd for first wave of fireballs
On Tower Details
goldcost: 0
function onTowerDetails takes Tower tower returns MultiboardValues
call sir_wyrm_bonus.setValue(0,formatFloat(tower.userReal,0))
call sir_wyrm_bonus.setValue(1,formatFloat(tower.userReal/100,0)+"%")
call sir_wyrm_bonus.setValue(2,I2S(tower.userInt))
return sir_wyrm_bonus
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