![]() Spear of Loki v1 1470
![]() lvl: 43
ID: 264
Author: Boekie
Rarity: unique
Status: Approved
![]() +50% damage (+1%/lvl) ![]() Each attack there is a 15% chance the carrier gets stunned for 1 second. |
Toggle Triggers On Attack
goldcost: -1000
ONATTACK_chance: 1.0
ONATTACK_chanceLevelAdd: 0.0
function onAttack takes Item itm returns nothing
local Tower twr = itm.getCarrier()
if GetRandomReal(0, 1) < 0.15 / twr.getProp_TriggerChances() then
call cb_stun.applyOnlyTimed(itm,twr,1)
![]() Spellbook of Item Mastery v1 1500
![]() lvl: 44
ID: 200
Author: Majildian
Rarity: unique
Status: Approved
Description: This spellbook contains a variety of spells for items. ![]() Casts one of these spells on attack: -Target drops a very high quality item -Two high quality items -Three normal quality items -Two low quality items and spellbook gains +10% item chance and item quality -Spellbook gains +25% item quality or item chance Cooldown of 15 waves. |
Toggle Triggers Header
goldcost: 0
MultiboardValues Maj_spellbook
//Do not remove or rename this function!
//Put your initialization tasks here, this function will be called on map init
private function init takes nothing returns nothing
set Maj_spellbook = MultiboardValues.create(3)
call Maj_spellbook.setKey(0,"Waves Left")
call Maj_spellbook.setKey(1,"Item Quality")
call Maj_spellbook.setKey(2,"Item Chance")
On Attack
goldcost: 1500
ONATTACK_chance: 1.0
ONATTACK_chanceLevelAdd: 0.0
function onAttack takes Item itm returns nothing
local integer choose
local Creep target
local Tower tower
local Playor owner
if itm.userInt <= 0 then
set tower = itm.getCarrier()
set owner = itm.getOwner()
set choose = GetRandomInt(1,6)
if choose <= 4 then
set target = Event.getTarget()
if choose == 1 then
call tower.modifyProperty(MOD_ITEM_QUALITY_ON_KILL, 1)
call target.dropItem(tower,false)
call tower.modifyProperty(MOD_ITEM_QUALITY_ON_KILL, -1)
call owner.displayFloatingText("One Item",tower,0,0,255)
elseif choose == 2 then
call tower.modifyProperty(MOD_ITEM_QUALITY_ON_KILL, 0.5)
call target.dropItem(tower,false)
call target.dropItem(tower,false)
call tower.modifyProperty(MOD_ITEM_QUALITY_ON_KILL, -0.5)
call owner.displayFloatingText("Two Items",tower,0,0,255)
elseif choose == 3 then
call target.dropItem(tower,false)
call target.dropItem(tower,false)
call target.dropItem(tower,false)
call owner.displayFloatingText("Three Items",tower,0,0,255)
elseif choose == 4 then
call tower.modifyProperty(MOD_ITEM_QUALITY_ON_KILL, -0.25)
call target.dropItem(tower, false)
call target.dropItem(tower, false)
call tower.modifyProperty(MOD_ITEM_QUALITY_ON_KILL, 0.35)
call tower.modifyProperty(MOD_ITEM_CHANCE_ON_KILL, 0.1)
set itm.userReal = itm.userReal + 0.1
set itm.userReal2 = itm.userReal2 + 0.1
call owner.displayFloatingText("Two Items + Bonus!", tower, 0, 0, 255)
elseif choose == 5 then
call tower.modifyProperty(MOD_ITEM_CHANCE_ON_KILL,.25)
set itm.userReal2 = itm.userReal2+0.25
call owner.displayFloatingText("Item Chance",tower,0,255,0)
elseif choose == 6 then
call tower.modifyProperty(MOD_ITEM_QUALITY_ON_KILL,.25)
set itm.userReal = itm.userReal+0.25
call owner.displayFloatingText("Item Quality",tower,0,255,0)
set itm.userInt = 15
On Item Creation
goldcost: 0
function onCreate takes Item itm returns nothing
set itm.userInt = 0
set itm.userInt2 = itm.getOwner().getTeam().getLevel()
set itm.userReal = 0.00
set itm.userReal2 = 0.00
On Item Drop
goldcost: 0
function onDrop takes Item itm returns nothing
local Tower tower = itm.getCarrier()
call tower.modifyProperty(MOD_ITEM_QUALITY_ON_KILL, -itm.userReal)
call tower.modifyProperty(MOD_ITEM_CHANCE_ON_KILL, -itm.userReal2)
On Item Pickup
goldcost: 0
function onPickup takes Item itm returns nothing
local Tower tower = itm.getCarrier()
call tower.modifyProperty(MOD_ITEM_QUALITY_ON_KILL, itm.userReal)
call tower.modifyProperty(MOD_ITEM_CHANCE_ON_KILL, itm.userReal2)
On Tower Details
goldcost: 0
function onTowerDetails takes Item itm returns MultiboardValues
call Maj_spellbook.setValue(0,I2S(itm.userInt))
call Maj_spellbook.setValue(1,formatPercent(itm.userReal, 0))
call Maj_spellbook.setValue(2,formatPercent(itm.userReal2, 0))
return Maj_spellbook
PERIODIC_period: 5
goldcost: 0
function periodic takes Item itm returns nothing
local integer level = itm.getOwner().getTeam().getLevel()
if itm.userInt2 < level then
set itm.userInt = itm.userInt - (level - itm.userInt2)
set itm.userInt2 = level
![]() M.E.F.I.S. Rocket v1 1500
![]() lvl: 44
ID: 207
Author: cedi
Rarity: unique
Status: Approved
Description: Now, If only I could remember where I put the manual. ![]() Fires immune-seeking missiles. The attack range, speed, damage and type is the same as the carrier's, unless the attack type is Magic, which is dealt as Essence damage. Damage is scaled by 20% of the tower's spell damage. Level Bonus: +0.8% scaling |
Toggle Triggers Header
goldcost: 0
ProjectileType PT
MultiboardValues MB
function hitPT takes Projectile P, Unit U returns nothing
local Tower T = P.getCaster()
//local AttackType AT = P.userInt
call T.doCustomAttackDamage( U, P.userReal, T.calcAttackMulticrit( 0, 0, 0 ), P.userInt )
//Do not remove or rename this function!
//Put your initialization tasks here, this function will be called on map init
private function init takes nothing returns nothing
set PT = ProjectileType.createInterpolate( "Abilities\\Spells\\Other\\TinkerRocket\\TinkerRocketMissile.mdl", 1000.00 )
call PT.setEventOnInterpolationFinished( hitPT )
set MB = MultiboardValues.create( 1 )
call MB.setKey( 0, "Damage" )
On Item Pickup
goldcost: 0
function onPickup takes Item itm returns nothing
local Tower T = itm.getCarrier()
if T.getAttackType() != AttackType.MAGIC then
set itm.userInt = T.getAttackType()
set itm.userInt = AttackType.ESSENCE
On Tower Details
goldcost: 0
function onTowerDetails takes Item itm returns MultiboardValues
local Tower T = itm.getCarrier()
local real dmg = T.getCurrentAttackDamageWithBonus() * ( T.getProp_SpellDmgDealt() * ( 0.2 + 0.008 * T.getLevel() ) )
call MB.setValue( 0, formatFloat( dmg, 0 ) )
return MB
PERIODIC_period: 0.1
goldcost: 1500
function periodic takes Item itm returns nothing
local Tower T = itm.getCarrier()
local Iterate I = Iterate.overUnitsInRangeOfCaster( T, TARGET_CREEPS, T.getRange() )
local Unit U
local real dmg
local Projectile P
call Event.getCurrentPeriodicEvent().enableAdvanced( T.getCurrentAttackspeed(), true )
set U = I.next()
if U == 0 then
return //No target
exitwhen U.isImmune()
call I.destroy() //If this point is reached the Iteration still exists and has to be destroyed
set dmg = T.getCurrentAttackDamageWithBonus() * ( T.getProp_SpellDmgDealt() * ( 0.2 + 0.008 * T.getLevel() ) )
set P = Projectile.createLinearInterpolationFromUnitToUnit( PT, T, 1.0, 1.0, T, U, 0.35, true )
set P.userReal = dmg
set P.userInt = itm.userInt
![]() Grounding Gloves v1 1500
![]() lvl: 44
ID: 209
Author: SirCoqaLot.
Rarity: unique
Status: Approved
Description: ![]() On attack the carrier has an 6% attackspeed adjusted chance to create a field of overgrowth in 200 AoE around the target. Creeps entering the overgrowth will become entangled for 1.8 seconds, taking 4500 spell damage per second. Cannot entangle the same creep for 3 seconds afterwards. Bosses can only be hit once. |
Toggle Triggers Header
goldcost: 0
BuffType BT
BuffType CD
Cast C
function overgrowth_dmg takes DummyUnit C returns nothing
local Creep U = Event.getTarget()
local Tower tower = C.getCaster()
set Event.damage = 0
if U.getBuffOfType(CD) == 0 then
call BT.apply(tower, U, 0)
if U.getSize() < SIZE_BOSS then
call CD.apply(tower, U, 0)
call CD.applyOnlyTimed(tower, U, -1)
function periodicDmg takes Buff B returns nothing
call B.getCaster().doSpellDamage(B.getBuffedUnit(), 4500, B.getCaster().calcSpellCritNoBonus())
//Do not remove or rename this function!
//Put your initialization tasks here, this function will be called on map init
private function init takes nothing returns nothing
set BT = BuffType.createDuplicate(cb_stun, 1.8, 0.00, false)
call BT.addPeriodicEvent(periodicDmg, 1.0)
call BT.setBuffIcon('@@1@@')
set CD = BuffType.create(4.8, 0.00, false)
set C = Cast.create('@@0@@', "blizzard", 4.0)
call C.setDamageEvent(overgrowth_dmg)
On Damage
ONDAMAGE_chance: 1
goldcost: 1500
ONDAMAGE_chanceLevelAdd: 0.0
function onDamage takes Item itm returns nothing
local Creep target = Event.getTarget()
local Tower tower = itm.getCarrier()
if Event.isMainTarget() and tower.calcChance(tower.getBaseAttackspeed()*0.06) then
call C.pointCastFromTargetOnTarget( tower, target, 1.0, 1.0 )
call Effect.createColored( "Abilities\\Spells\\NightElf\\EntangleMine\\Roots.mdl", target.getX(), target.getY(), 0.0, 270.0, 1.2, 210, 255, 180, 255 ).setLifetime( 2.5 )
![]() Doom's Ensign v1 1500
![]() lvl: 44
ID: 253
Author: cedi
Rarity: unique
Status: Approved
Description: This relic is imbued with dark powers. ![]() When the user of this item attacks an enemy it decreases the armor of the target by 10% for 5 seconds. Level Bonus: +0.6% armor decrease |
Toggle Triggers Header
goldcost: 1500
BuffType BT
//Do not remove or rename this function!
//Put your initialization tasks here, this function will be called on map init
private function init takes nothing returns nothing
local Modifier m = Modifier.create()
set BT = BuffType.create( 5.00, 0.00, false )
call m.addModification( MOD_ARMOR_PERC, -0.10, -0.006 )
call BT.setBuffModifier( m )
call BT.setBuffIcon( '@@0@@' )
On Damage
ONDAMAGE_chance: 1.0
goldcost: 0
ONDAMAGE_chanceLevelAdd: 0.0
function onDamage takes Item itm returns nothing
if Event.isMainTarget() then
call BT.apply( itm.getCarrier(), Event.getTarget(), itm.getCarrier().getLevel() )
![]() Beast Head v2 1525
![]() lvl: 89
ID: 134
Author: cedi
Rarity: uncommon
Status: Approved
Description: Only the bravest and strongest warriors are able to kill such a beast without hurting the head. ![]() +1230 dps
![]() Forcefield Generator v1 1600
![]() lvl: 67
ID: 126
Author: drol
Rarity: rare
Status: Approved
Description: Negates all offensive magic in an area. ![]() Reduces the duration of debuffs cast on the carrier and all towers within 200 range of the carrier by 15%. Level Bonus: -1% debuff duration |
Toggle Triggers Header
goldcost: 1600
BuffType drol_debuffAura
//Do not remove or rename this function!
//Put your initialization tasks here, this function will be called on map init
private function init takes nothing returns nothing
local Modifier m = Modifier.create()
call m.addModification(MOD_DEBUFF_DURATION,-0.15,-0.01)
set drol_debuffAura = BuffType.createAuraEffectType(true)
call drol_debuffAura.setBuffIcon('@@0@@')
call drol_debuffAura.setBuffModifier(m)
Tower Aura
AURA_levelAdd: 1
AURA_auraRange: 200
AURA_powerAdd: 1
AURA_targetSelf: true
goldcost: 0
AURA_auraEffect: drol_debuffAura
AURA_power: 0
AURA_level: 0