![]() Lunar Essence v2 650
![]() lvl: 16
ID: 227
Author: Finger of Destiny
Rarity: unique
Status: Approved
![]() Grants 200 flat experience to the holder. The experience is bound to the item and lost on drop. If the tower has less than 200 experience when the item is dropped, the item will drain experience from the next tower it is placed in, up to 200 experience. |
Toggle Triggers On Item Creation
goldcost: 0
function onCreate takes Item itm returns nothing
set itm.userReal = 200
On Item Drop
goldcost: 0
function onDrop takes Item itm returns nothing
local Tower tower = itm.getCarrier()
set itm.userReal = tower.removeExpFlat(200)
On Item Pickup
goldcost: 650
function onPickup takes Item itm returns nothing
local Tower tower = itm.getCarrier()
local real r = itm.userReal
if r > 0 then
call tower.addExpFlat(r)
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