![]() Speed Demon's Reward v1 144
![]() lvl: 4
ID: 191
Author: Palandu
Rarity: uncommon
Status: Approved
![]() Any time the carrier manages to attack the next creep wave within 12 seconds of attacking the current one, it receives bonus exp and gold as a Speed Award. The gold award amount is equal to 12 minus the time interval between attacking the different creep waves. The exp award is half of the gold award. |
Toggle Triggers Header
goldcost: 144
MultiboardValues palandu_SpeedBoard
//Do not remove or rename this function!
//Put your initialization tasks here, this function will be called on map init
private function init takes nothing returns nothing
set palandu_SpeedBoard = MultiboardValues.create(1)
call palandu_SpeedBoard.setKey(0, "Total Gold Awarded")
On Attack
goldcost: 0
ONATTACK_chance: 1.0
ONATTACK_chanceLevelAdd: 0.0
function onAttack takes Item itm returns nothing
local Creep c = Event.getTarget()
local integer creepLevel = c.getSpawnLevel()
local real rewardValue
local Unit t
if itm.userInt > 0 and itm.userInt < creepLevel then
set rewardValue = 12.0 - (Game.getGameTime() - itm.userInt2)/25
if rewardValue > 0 then
set t = itm.getCarrier()
call t.getOwner().giveGold(rewardValue, t.getUnit(), true, true)
call t.addExp(rewardValue/2)
set itm.userReal = itm.userReal + rewardValue
set itm.userInt = IMaxBJ(itm.userInt, creepLevel) //so that it can only go up
set itm.userInt2 = Game.getGameTime()
On Item Creation
goldcost: 0
function onCreate takes Item itm returns nothing
set itm.userInt = -101
set itm.userInt2 = -101
set itm.userReal = 0
On Tower Details
goldcost: 0
function onTowerDetails takes Item itm returns MultiboardValues
call palandu_SpeedBoard.setValue(0, formatFloat(itm.userReal,1))
return palandu_SpeedBoard
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